Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Pain Is Back

And so this morning I was tired and still in some pain. I went to bed like that last night and focusing on the pain only made it worse. And kept me from going to sleep. I started to get really anxious and started to try all kinds of stuff. I slept on my left side, after reading an article about how the was supposed to help a kidney stone pass. It did help me with the peeing though, as if my kidney kept pushing out pee. But evidently not kidney stones, if the was, in fact, it. I tried to do meditation to dull the effects of the ache, but no go. And then I tried morphic fields to help break up kidney stones. And finally after a while, I even tried the morphic field to cancel any morphic fields and affirmations. I felt like it worked the last time I was dealing with an ache in my back that I attributed to kidney stones. That was a couple of weeks ago. And I thought then that the ache was due to morphic fields bumping into one another. And I thought I needed to reset and cancel everything. And the thing was right after I did the cancellation morphic field, the pain went away. And so right or wrong, I thought that was what solved my issue then and I thought it would solve my issue now. Tonight Turned out that it didn't. And so I was just hoping to get a couple of hours of sleep in just so I could have enough energy to take Johnnie to school in the morning. I think it was 3 AM by the time I did get to sleep and when I woke up the pain wasn't so bad. But it was definitely still there. It was like it was now down to a 4, from the 6 that I thought it had been before I went to bed. Unbelievable! Just 24 hours ago I was revealing in the fact that my RHR was now 60, the lowest it had been in a very VERY long time and so I felt like I was really in a healthy kind of place. Maybe it was just the thought of that triggered my monkey brain to manufacture an illness to convince me otherwise. And so this morning the pain had dissipated just enough so I could do the morning drop-off to school for Johnnie uneventfully. But seemingly on cue, when I got home, the pain ramped up again. So again I hit the internet, looking for anything and everything not only to relieve the pain but to address the underlying cause of it. Is it something emotional? Is it last night's interaction with Lisa? I did muscle testing on all these things seemingly without getting to my answers. I tried reflexology on my feet, and that actually felt like it relieved the pain some. For a few minutes. I tried to do charged water, I did another morphic field specific to kidney stones. I was throwing the kitchen sink at this thing.
I do not know what specific modality actually worked. But after lunch I could sense the pain dissipating some. And finally by mid-afternoon, it was 90% gone. But I felt really tired too. So I had an idea it must have been one of the things I tried this morning. It wasn't until later than that though that I ran into this YouTube video on balancing the root chakra. And when I listened to it, I felt it activate something. And then it was like I felt the pain leave my body. I should have known it was the root chakra. All morning I was having sensation of coldness in my legs and feet. Like they weren't getting blood or something like that. I was also feeling muscle fatigue in my legs. So whatever was happening, it wasn't just my kidneys, it was also extending to my lower extremities. That was why I felt like the root chakra stuff could have helped. And I think it DID at that. At least I had enough energy to make Johnnie dinner. Penne pasta in chicken noodle broth. Augmented by some fried chicken from Ralphs. I made myself a salmon salad. The thing was that as the night wore on, I was getting more tired. As in I wanted to go to bed at 7 PM! The only things keeping me from doing so was that (a) Johnnie kept hounding me all night. Of course he did. He wanted to play. (b) I realized that I was barely at 7800 steps and I still had about a mile and a half of walking to go. When my legs felt the way they did, that seemed IMPOSSIBLE! I trudged on though even though it felt like I was walking through mud. My legs were really heavy! I slogged through step after agonizing step. And finally I did manage to get to 11,000 steps after all. I was working so hard I actually logged 101 active minutes. That's because my heart rate elevated easily and stayed elevated every time I took a few steps. Fortunately I did get through all that and by the time I prepped Johnnie for bedtime, I could barely keep my own eyelids from staying open. And OBTW I reminded myself that I had the webinar to do tomorrow. And I haven't gone over the slides since I put them together last week. But I fell asleep right as I put my head on my pillow. At 10 PM. I need to catch up on my rest. At least by this time, I felt like I had passed a kidney stone. And my insides felt healthy again. Like they used to anyway.

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