Friday, May 20, 2022

With Lessons Come Tests

So today I already woke up tired. As mentioned, I ended up staying up until almost 3 AM doing my content for next week's webinar. It was as if I got revved up and got energized because I simply kept going and going and when I looked up it was already early in the morning. But I wasn't really tired. I just went to bed simply because I knew I needed to get some rest. A little rest for tomorrow. AND I was already nearly finished at that time. Still I was able to get some early meditation in and then by 8:15, the usual drop-off for Claire, Lisa on the phone with Silvia this time. And then off I was to my usual Friday morning, except.. it didn't end up like a usual Friday morning. First I had to do a good deed, which was to field questions from my counterpart at Saban Community Health Center. I remember this used to be a position held by Emmanuel and he and I got along fine. Apparently he's no longer there and his replacement reached out earlier this week because she wanted to talk. She needed some advice. And so it was clear after 15 minutes that she needed more time. And asked if we could have lunch. And so quite spontaneously on this Friday I found myself at Crimson on Ocean Park. I'm eating salmon kabobs and kale salad and discussing IT staffing with Sara, my counterpart at Saban. She asked if it was usual to be making under $200,000 a year in our position. I told her usual or not, I'm not close to that range. The funny thing was that Emmanuel was apparently getting paid way more than that at Saban. I don't begrudge anyone the salary they are making obviously. It's up to the individual person to get what the market is willing to pay them. Though more and more I do things like Wednesday's webinar and I am pretty sure I am worth that $200K by now actually LOL. What I told her was that she needs to leverage her position and take advantage of any offers that come her way from her vendors. I mean I can't do anything salary wise for my guys, But I CAN make sure they get offered sports events, dinners, even trips to Vegas (as Justin did a few years ago). I can make sure they have top of the line computer and electronic toys. And so by the time I came home from lunch I actually feel like I've accomplished something. And I had good food too. Didn't need to cook myself anything. It would have been nice to follow that up with a nice refreshing nap in the afternoon but I got wrapped up with all the videos I was watching for internal work. And today for some reason I was getting shown videos about how to deal with narcissistic people. Lisa being the biggest narcissist personality that I know personally I started to wonder if this has anything to do with the choice of videos I'm attracting to myself.  I do know we're supposed to go to her office later. We'll see what happens then. 
Lisa asked this morning if Johnnie could do his Spanish class at her office. I'm sure she wanted to see him though she has him for the rest of the weekend. They're supposed to be doing something with Sacko and the rest of her fam. When we got there it wasn't like it usually is on Wednesday nights when we would come. I thought her Friday nights were chill in fact. Lisa was still doing a procedure and since we had to start at 4:30 today, she wasn't able to participate in the class. And she declared she was so behind she had no time to go to dinner with us. She already had food in the fridge anyway. As it turned out, we came all the way here simply so Lisa could hug Johnnie. Confused the shit out of me since she has to pick up Johnnie later anyway and then on to the rest of the weekend. So Johnnie and I grabbed some food from Panda Express and went right on home. What a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME IT WAS TO EVEN COME TO LISA's OFFICE. And this was the kind of thing that irritates the shit out of me. Just Lisa being Lisa but then holding me hostage until she can figure out what the fuck she's doing. Can you tell I'm irritated? I at least calmed down enough so I could have a 45 minute call with Michelle, the woman on Match and it appears we might be seeing each other tomorrow. She works for Sprouts and she's at the Culver City location tomorrow. Same Sprouts I go to I guess.  That would be nice. At least I got that phone call in and Johnnie got to watch some Pokemon. And when it was 8:30 I took him and Claire to Lisa's house. Lisa already said this afternoon that she was going to be really REALLY late tonight. I didn't care. Or did I?  I gave Johnnie a shower, put him to bed. And then came 9:30 No Lisa. 10 PM No Lisa. 10:30. What the fuck? I called her and asked her what she was doing?!! Couldn't she do this at her house so I could go home? I was so tired it really led me to being that irritated. Finally at 11 PM she came home. I had fallen asleep so I was groggy getting up and trying to leave. Lisa said she had a present for me. It was a planter. It wasn't so much a present as she was trying to get rid of it. Man talk about bad bad timing. I don't want this thing. I don't need it and I had no place to put it. And tonight I simply stood my ground and told her I didn't want it. Never mind rude, if she doesn't want it she can throw it away for all I care. All I wanted to do was go home. She followed me all the way to my car with this thing until I told her flat out I didn't want it. NOW I understand why I ran into all these videos about narcissists this afternoon. Or is it watching these videos that attracted this latest Lisa interaction? Who cares. I figure the Universe was testing me? Or was it my ego again trying to be cute? Again I didn't care so long as  I got to home and I got to go to bed. Friday night over. Weekend is here.

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