Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Tuesday Out And About

This being Town Hall week, I was at our Westlake North site at 8:30 AM. This was not exactly a slamdunk considering I had to drop Johnnie off at school first. I handled it by making him line up at the gate a full 10 minutes earlier than usual. So much so we ended up being the 3rd person in line.  And I was out of there and on my way before 7:50. I had already wolfed down 2 scrambled eggs in the meantime and had a mug full of hot green tea in the car. Yes, I figured I'd be hungry considering these Town Halls do take some energy to do. Not to mention I'm doing my IS Team Meeting right after so I wasn't going to have any opportunity to eat anything before close to 11 AM. It doesn't sound that bad now, considering I can actually go the entire morning without eating  these days. But then again I figured I needed the energy. The last time we did this I remember having to RUN uphill to the Health Center because I had to park on 6th Street. Today there was an empty spot in the parking lot which I was happy to take. My little speech was quick but I thought I engaged pretty nicely. And then immediately after the meeting I went out to move my car so patients could park. No rush at this point, I just had my team meeting to do. Of course my focus was broken when Marina came in there and interrupted us with another one of her 'where's my --- fill in the blank ---' pushy status asks. It actually bothered me. To the point where I took it out on poor Larry because he was not very decisive with his answer. I covered it under 'I need you guys to make sure you do not undermine our own credibility' thing. But really I was feeling disrespected and it all came down on Larry as I said. I better make sure to apologize to him for that when I realized what I had actually done on the drive home.
Surprisingly there wasn't much traffic on the freeway on that drive back. I was home and taking Claire out to poop and pee before 11 AM yet again. I was thinking I truly didn't mind the Town Hall stuff just as long as it works out the way it has so far this week, which is to say it's been ok so far.  But then again we'll see about tomorrow when we do Eagle Rock the farthest Health Center from me. Today's lunch was another tuna sandwich special AND some vegetarian chili. That tuna sure went a long way didn't it? As did Lisa's sourdough bread which I was about to throw away this weekend. I was well aware I needed to work on the NACHC webinar presentation slides. Somehow I simply didn't feel any urgency. Or is it that I was procrastinating. Or both? By mid-afternoon I still hadn't started on it, preferring to do some meditation on the couch. I put on a procrastination stack from Sapien and that must have done something because all of a sudden I felt motivated to go ahead and work on my presentation. I didn't finish it this afternoon of course. It wasn't long before it was time to pick Johnnie up from STAR. And then of course we went to Panda Express before going home. And then we rolled into Tuesday routine. Which was a whole lot of watching Johnnie's shows. Still Pokemon tonight. I told him I needed him to watch as much of it as he wanted since I was going to be tied up doing my presentation slides. I worked on that thing until midnight, only taking a break every once in a while. Sometimes I would do steps, sometimes I would go out and chill on the couch with Johnnie. But more often than not he would pop in to the bedroom where I was and download some Pokemon trivia on me. Did you know that so-and-so had a destructo value of 70 Dad? By the time I was tucking Johnnie in bed I noticed I was only at 10,000 steps! What the heck? I guess I was truly pre-occupied with those slides. I got into a roll and next thing I knew it WAS already time to put Johnnie to bed. I continued to work on them after. And gave up on 11,000 steps this evening. Hey, I had 16,000+ last night. More than enough to cover. Bottom line was that I also finished over 50 slides. How do I do that I wonder sometimes. I went to bed at midnight. Respectable. But I WAS tired...

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