Thursday, May 26, 2022

Feels Like The Weekend Already

I know it's only Thursday. And already being a Thursday it is supposed to be an easy day anyway. Certainly the Thursday before the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. And it started with the vibe of a free and easy day. Certainly it was for the kiddos at Mar Vista Elementary. It's pajama day and of course Johnnie was as eager to play it up as anyone. Look at the picture of Johnnie, Bailey, and Brooklyn all smiles. So far away from the events in Texas where an 18-yr old kid who was not mentally right killed 19 4th graders and their teacher. So sad. I offer no commentaries here other than we should know as adults what to do that is right. It just makes me appreciate even more the smiles on the faces of my child and his friends. And so I keep my own vibration light and positive. And even though I had my meeting with my EHR team and then my boss right after that, I was done with everything by lunchtime. I had myself a nice shrimp salad for lunch and I had a nice nap waiting for me afterwards. But then I got into holiday mode and I ended up watching, or rather binge watching NIGHT SKY on Netflix. I guess I'm starting the weekend early alright LOL. And yet the afternoon took a decidedly unexpected turn. First a call from Lisa asking for help. Could there be a normal Lisa interaction? Of course there's drama. It's what she brings. Only this time it really wasn't so bad. She picked up Johnnie early so she could take him to one of her piano recitals in Pasadena. Of course he had to go <why? I'm still unclear really> She called because she forgot to bring good clothes for Johnnie for her foo-foo recital LOL. And so I find myself at Jack-In-the-box parking lot on Pico delivering a polo and pants for Johnnie while he's eating a box of chicken crisps. Some scene. And then after that I had it in my mind that I would go to Sprouts to pick up some shiritake spaghetti. Even though I had picked up a pouch this morning already, turns out I like the Sprouts version best. And I wanted to experiment on a sauce to cook it with this weekend. And so I headed on to the Sepulveda store where I was just this past weekend. Of course at 4:30 PM, there is some ugly traffic in some spots on Sepulveda, particularly where it crosses Sawtelle. So annoying. And so by the time I got home it was already well past 5 PM and only then did I notice how nice of a day it had turned out to be. No matter, I hadn't done steps all day anyway. And so now was the time to catch up before it got later and darker. I made myself my signature keto-ish pizza. That's the cauliflower crust with pizza sauce and alternative cheese, and alternative protein meat. All plant-based but I figured it's still a pizza. And it's not bad at all. I'm sort of used to it now. And so back to a usual Thursday... except that Johnnie wasn't here and we're not waiting for Lisa to call until 8 PM or later than that. THAT will happen tomorrow and the day after anyway when Lisa is working again. Tonight I get to binge watch stuff and I finished 8 episodes of NIGHT SKY. Pretty interesting about an old couple that has a teleport pod in their cellar that leads to a planet. But even more interesting than this series was that the long awaited Obi-Wan-Kenobi series FINALLY premiered on the Disney channel. It's the story of Obi-Wan about 10 years after depositing Luke in Tattoine. He's now rusty and older and reluctant to do anything remotely close to being a Jedi. But the old stories still wove together and these first 2 episodes were actually about Leia mostly. And the Inquisitors. Can't wait for the next episodes...

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