Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Webinar Part 2

THE MISSING SPEAKER So the fact that I was experiencing pain yesterday not 24 hours from the webinar I'm doing today (part 2) was a cause of concern. When the pain did subside in the afternoon I felt RELIEVED. However, that wasn't the only thing that was concerning me. I published my content on Friday last week and sent it to my co-presenter Michael. As of yesterday, still no ping from Sharefile that he had even opened the file. But I wasn't really that concerned. I just figured he was busy and I was pretty sure he could sleepwalk his way through whatever content I had happened to put together, just as he did last week. I thought we could even go until today at the Tech prep half an hour before the presentation before we could actually go over the presentation together. Then first thing this morning a dreaded email came. Michael was sick (or claimed to be) and was begging off the webinar. Yee-gads! You know what though? It didn't faze me for a second. Why should it? Did I NOT put the entire thing together myself? Do I not KNOW the content? Of course I did. I'll just have to go through the whole thing myself is all. I felt like I had enough material for an hour and 15 minutes anyway so I was not really worried at all. It just meant I wasn't going to have to worry about transitions. And so I tried to distract myself first thing this morning by attending the Hight Intensity Management Program Session (HIMP) at 9 AM. I figured it would be done by 10 AM and I would have NO TIME to think. And that is exactly what happened. I was on for Tech Check by 10:30, the webinar was underway by 11 AM. And away I went, did my thing, got done almost right on the dot at 12:15, and did Q&A until  12:29. My timing was very good. I think I did pretty well. There were about 140 people on, which was less than last week but I thought they were pretty engaged actually. All in all, I think I did provide value and I did it ALL.BY.MY.SELF! Maybe it was all about proving to myself that I could. But it went in my favor after all.
DINNER WITH LISA When it was over I did my breathe out, which really meant I crashed on the couch and watched the 2nd part of the Valet that I started yesterday on Hulu. That movie was hilarious. The 2nd part of the day was to pick up Johnnie and then drive to Lisa's and see if she would have dinner with us, since that is now a routine for Wednesday nights, Spanish class or not. Without the class, we would have no reason to come at all and I hoped that Lisa would think about that when she would undoubtedly be busy when we get there. But then again I realize that is why I get disappointed is that I expect her to think about other people. We do much better when I have zERO expectations and simply think Lisa being Lisa is what I will have to deal with. True enough she had to be on the phone for a good 40 minutes while Johnnie and I pretty much just wrestled on the couch and played around simply to pass the time. Still, I reminded myself that I had a very good morning today and none of Lisa's antics mattered and all I had to do was just be ok to have dinner with her no matter what. Which is exactly what we did. We walked to Panda Express, where I had the foresight to park at and walk to Lisa's office. We could have eaten at Daikokuya of course but then we're at the mercy of Lisa's schedule. She had to do a walk at 7:45 you know. And so like it or not, we all had dinner at Panda Express for the 2nd night in 3 days. And I was ok with that. I had shrimp and veggies stir fry over noodles. And yes I ate some of the noodles. I pretty much ignored whatever control stuff was coming from Lisa, still mainly focused on getting it over with and going home. I will call this my good deed for the day. And a 2-hour blip of my time. We still managed to go home and spend time together Johnnie and I. He was really into Prodigy at the same time I was doing my journal on my computer. Ok Ok maybe we weren't doing stuff together. But I got a quiet Wednesday and Johnnie got to play and watch Pokemon. And by the end of the evening when I got him ready for bed, I realized that I too was tired. Maybe my body is catching up from all that stuff from Monday night. I still don't really know what was the biggest cause of that. I let my guard down for a sec I guess. Tonight I was happy to sleep early and still knowing that it's already Thursday and there's a long weekend ahead. And a trip to San Diego to boot for Alex's birthday. Looking forward to that.

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