Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Distinctions and A-ha's

I had a distinction first thing today. I had just dropped Johnnie off at school, I had just done 3100 steps and gotten 22 active minutes in. It was a pretty good start. I had just brewed my green tea and was waiting for it to steep. And then I put together what I called a Learning Plan. I was growing frustrated that I hadn't even gotten to the Enlightened states material. And I've had it for more than a couple of weeks now. FOR SURE I'm distracting myself into just putting my head down and getting the thing done. The fact that I haven't makes it pretty clear to me that I had NOT PRIORITIZED it. Why not? There is clearly something other-than-concscious at play here. Something I have to work on to reverse.Case in point I found myself updating the Scrapbook that held a whole bunch of Johnnie's pictures for FeiFei all the way back to when we first brought him home. It's a true running picture log of Johnnie's life to date and I had run a couple of months behind. But it didn't need to be done today. For some reason it seemed like the time to update it, meaning I was trying to keep myself busy. After all, it was a Tuesday and after my meetings in the morning got done before lunch, I was pretty much all clear until the QueensCare Health Centers Board Meeting at 5 PM tonight. I was asked to present something on the UDS Reports and I had my slides done since early last week. That said, it had been a while since I had seen them and I have almost forgotten what I had put in there to present. But instead of getting to the things I thought were the most important, I did busywork. Still I do seem to get to the most important things right on time, it's just that I don't have to always wait until the very last minute either. I can't believe it's already been almost a week since I was prepping myself for the NACHC webinar. No such anxiety-causing event in my calendar this week. As I said, I'm all clear. I put more effort into choosing what Johnnie was going to wear this morning than anything else I think. On his calendar it's red-white-and-blue day and so I had his TEAM USA T-shirt on the ready.  Look at his goofy pic on the post...
So I didn't really think about the Board of Directors Meeting I was supposed to attend tonight. I could only think THANK GOD we're still mostly remote so I don't have to deal with driving to the FRB and back and wondering what I was going to do with Johnnie. On that note I am still very much grateful that I can take a walk in my neighborhood in the middle of the day to enjoy the afternoon sun. Not like I couldn't do it when I was at the FRB. In fact, I did it in the middle of the afternoon quite often. But this is different. First of all, its MY neighborhood. Secondly, I don't have to worry about getting back at all. I could just keep on walking. Lastly, I'm doing it in the comfort of my own shorts LOL. And so it was that when I got back from my walk, a mere 2 hours from the start of the Board Meeting, I did realize that I had the wrong Powerpoint slide background. And the one I used was the one that had both companies on it. Faux pas faux pas faux pas. Then again I would get grief from mostly Barbara who nitpicks on these things. And so I spent a half hour fixing my slides. Thank God I only had a handful of them. I literally created one from scratch LOL. Oh and I added one to boot. And then I picked up Johnnie early from school, put some chicken broth and penne in front of him. And Jack-in-the-Box chicken strips that I picked up before I went and got him and told him to stay in the living room for a couple of hours or so. My presentation (about UDS) took all of 5 minutes. I think I spent more time introducing myself and reminding the Board what I did in the organization. By 6 PM, I was done. Made myself dinner <tonight it was turkey bolognese on shiitake spaghetti - I figured it was the carbs I wanted to cut down not the fat from turkey... which was minimal anyway> and then the usual shenanigans with Johnnie. I felt bad shoo-ing him out of the room when he went in while I was in the middle of my Board Meeting. But I went and recovered with him very soon after that so I think we're all good. I am very sensitive to the fact that it is a comprehensive amount of those rejections that eventually become negative programs in the future. Anyway off to sleep he went by 9 PM and he was still his same joyful, playful self. I went to bed but not to sleep right away. I watched Mayans MC. Hey I can wind down anyway I want. After all, I got stuff that I wanted to do done today didn't I? Yes. I. Did.

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