Sunday, May 29, 2022

Subliminal Out Of Whack

So last week I did subliminals and some hypnosis-like exercise first thing  before I went to golf. And wouldn't you know I ended up having probably one of the best golf games I had ever had at Eaton Canyon. I mean I used to suck at playing that course. And immediately from the first hole on it felt different. Even the holes I didn't play well I had at least one good of great shot. And I felt great afterwards. I was hoping to repeat it this morning at Harbor. AND I reminded myself the last time we played Harbor, without the benefit of subliminals or energy work, Scott and I actually played really well. That's because we were paired up with 3 guys who played well too and we didn't want to embarrass ourselves I thought. THAT was one of the best rounds I had ever had at Harbor. So repeating it today was the goal. Our tee time was at 8:40, and I had plenty of time to do subliminals first thing again this morning, although I think I did a whole different set of them this time around. And this time it WAS different. My first shot off the first tee was a topped ball that went all of 20 yards. Second shot from that didn't go much farther, although I did recover to at least get a 6 on the first hole and barely missing my bogey putt. 2nd hole was crap, as was the 3rd and by that tie I realized I didn't have it today. And whatever I did in the morning did NOT work. Not only did it not work, I was convinced it actually reversed last week and got me what I didn't want. Sort of like the first time I had all that pain in my kidneys a couple of weeks ago. I played a morphic field and I got the reverse effect today. WHAT THE HECK does that? So now I not only need to find out the "how" for that effect, and the "WHY" too and make sure I can actually do stuff to get the outcomes I do want. A cursory read on the web sort of told me that I was too attached to the outcome. That I needed to let go significantly. I might agree there. But isn't there some kind of switch I can flip to change the polarity BEFORE I do the subliminal or morphic field? Or maybe right after it? OH well... at least it turned out to be a nice warm day, it was only 3 of us that tee'd off, and the guy we were paired with wasn't really very good <maybe that was the reason for my shitty game...  I played down to the competition>. Still we got done by 11:30 AM which was totally early by Harbor standards and I was home by noon, eating my vegan tuna sandwich and yellow lentil soup. About as healthy as I could have gotten for lunch... that I made myself anyway. On any normal Sunday I would have stretched out on the couch and chilled the afternoon away. But today being the Sunday before Memorial Day and I had nothing planned, I thought I would do something different. I thought I would at least get my butt out of the house and keep enjoying a nice Sunday. 
And so I did. I got out of the house. But I did not necessarily stay outdoors. Instead I went to the movies. Watched TOP GUN: Maverick. Yeah I know I know, I did download a copy already and watched it. But although I already enjoyed the movie, I also KNEW this was a movie that would be better watched in a movie theater. Which was why I drove to Marina del Rey and watched it again. And enjoyed it again, this time with popcorn. Yeah it really was a pretty good movie wasn't it? It did justice to the original movie which showed 30 some odd years ago! Wow. The scene with Val Kilmer <Iceman> was particularly poignant. Boy talk about watching someone go from the youthful vibrancy of 30+ years ago to present state is sobering. And perhaps there's a lesson there for me as well. Seeing my mom yesterday and IceMan and my own reflection in the mirror does make it appear that we are all susceptible to time does it not?! OR... perhaps instead of trying to beat TIME we can merely work with it in our favor. After all, most of what I could complain about physically is merely wear and tear and older age related isn't it? But does it have to be? I'm not saying I want to stop time. But I can minimize it's effects could I not? Wasn't the body vessel designed to last longer in the state of where it was when I was, say 40 years old? Something to put on my outcomes list? After all, being the best 50, 60, 70 that I can be also means feeling like I was in my 40s. That I think is very do-able. And so it was that I went home and finally did chill away the rest of my Sunday. And the cool thing was that the weekend was not over yet. Awesome.

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