Thursday, May 12, 2022

What Feels Good?

This being a Thursday, I knew I'd be tied up all morning with back-to-back-to-back meetings. Then again, considering I didn't really have a lot of meetings all week, a spike of activity was not unexpected and in fact, welcomed today. Call it work ethic or whatever. So not only did I meet with 2 of my teams today and also had my one-on-one with my boss, but I also met with my co-presenter Michael for next week's webinar and we went over the presentation I just finished last night. Going over the presentation gives me a good sense of accomplishment and made me feel good already and it wasn't even lunch time yet. And so I had a nice lunch - made me my vegetarian chili special. A couple of months ago I would have never eaten it. Heck a couple of months ago I hadn't eaten kidney beans in a while! So far I've sustained the new eating pattern for a little over 2 months now. Now to go for a third month... although I will say last night I went ahead and ate Johnnie's piece of pork in his ramen that he was never going to eat. Small piece of meat like that couldn't possibly do any harm right? I realize that there is a bit of a conflict internally for me. I may have a discovered a far larger world with all the subtle energies I am learning more about. But I also need to be more aware of belief systems that I need to be on guard about all the time. Like believing that my body's biological age has total control over me when it is the other way around for starters. So although I embrace these new eating patterns, I also acknowledge that all I'm doing is restoring balance and letting my body heal whatever needs healing by itself. After lunch I started to catch up with my steps and noticed it had gotten much warmer outside than it was yesterday. Hey, it's almost mid-May after all. Finally after lunch I kicked back and almost immediately fell asleep on the couch. Hey I've already did a lot of work today...
So why did I post a pic of the sauna near my unit? Because I was walking by it on the way to throw out some stuff in the trash can and for some reason I just had this feeling that everything was good.  And so I took the pic as a reminder of the M&M moment. I took a picture of the sun setting. By then Johnnie had finished with his Spanish lesson and was already wolfing down his pizza and the spaghetti that I made him for dinner. He had a particularly good class today too. It was more of yesterday's lesson about body parts. But he did a good job tying it to part lessons. Even his teacher Hail told him she was proud of him at the end of the lesson. As I was I. Which was probably added to the reason why I was feeling so good. Such a marked contrast to last night's interaction with Lisa. I had a pizza too actually, although mine was with cauliflower based pizza crust and pineapple and Beyond meat. Still was ok actually. I've gotten used to it now. Although when I was throwing away Johnnie's leftovers, I couldn't help but took a bite of the pizza he didn't eat. Mustn't let anything go to waste mustn't we? And so tonight it felt like a usual weeknight simply because Lisa didn't come to pick up Johnnie as she was spending the night at the CDA. So while on a regular Thursday night I'd be waiting for Lisa's call and then chilling and watching TV after, tonight I let Johnnie continue to pig out on ice cream after his dinner and watch his Pokemon 
TV show. Just a normal weeknight for Johnnie and I, which included a sword fight might I add. Man his punches are starting to feel hard, and soon enough I'm going to have to tell him not to do it anymore. Heck just wrestling with him made my heart rate blip up quickly. Anyway, I put Johnnie to bed as I had the last few nights and tomorrow morning is like any other school morning. Mundane and routine perhaps. But it is my job and I happily do it. Part of what makes me feel good after all. 

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