Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The Rest Of the Day

With the webinar all done, the first part of it anyway, I could breathe out at last. At least for a little while. At least through the afternoon. I didn't want to think about anything, I simply wanted to enjoy the rest of the day knowing that I had done an exemplary job this morning. AND there is no Spanish class tonight. I toyed with the idea of going to dinner with Lisa anyway but then again something in me said NO. I'm not saying it was my HIgher Self mind you. But it was a significant part of me. I even asked Johnnie if we should reach out to his mom and have dinner with her. He seemed reluctant. And when i asked him if it should just be a regular home dinner night, he agreed without hesitation. It was settled then. When I picked him up from school, we stopped by Ralphs and got him some fried chicken to augment his penned pasta in chicken broth. I had waiter almost boiling and had turned up the oven so I could cook my dinner. Salmon tonight.  Until... I got a call from Lisa. She was with Roge and Anna and they were on their way out to dinner. And she was inviting me to come. And of course that meant Johnnie was coming too. I couldn't very well say no now could I? They were going to Tacos Del Barrio too, which was a little over a mile away from me on Palms and Overland. I had no excuses not to go. And so I made Johnnie wolf down his fried chicken and off we went.. 
It's always nice to see Roge and Anna actually. Especially Roge. He has always been nice to me. The only thing was that I couldn't really see anything on the menu that I could eat. Except for the shrimp. Shrimp tacos it was. I threw in a carne asada taco too. I figured if there ever was a day I could cheat simply to celebrate one heck of a day for me, tonight would be it. And so I allowed myself to eat that carne asada taco. And the chips that came with it. NO harm to eat that for just one night right? It was actually nice to hang out for a bit. And Lisa got her dinner with Johnnie anyway. We came home and Johnnie immediately flipped to his regular programming. Pokemon episodes. Pokemon battles. I took advantage and finally connected with someone on who reached out to me. Michelle from Brea. Our first time talking. I thought it went pretty well. Certainly well enough to keep talking and hopefully progress on to a date soon. It's been like a year for me. I think it's time to expand a bit on the social front. So Michelle and I talked for a liitle while, until it was time for Johnnie's bedtime. And then I put him to bed and stayed up to watch the latest episode of Mayans MC. Until I drifted off to sleep myself. Turned out to be a pretty eventful day...

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