Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The Webinar

So today is the day. Webinar day and I even blew off the Communications Meeting just so I could focus. Oddly enough I didn't really feel like I prepped much, other than a run through last night to see how long the content would go. It went an entire hour with just me talking so I thought we were good. I basically spent the morning trying to stay relaxed and trying to get the webinar off my mind so I wouldn't get anxious.  Fortunately, I didn't have to wait all that long since the webinar started at 1:30 PM EST, which is 10:30 AM my time. I made sure I had a larger breakfast than usual, usual for the past couple of months anyway. I ate a couple of scrambled eggs and an avocado toast. AND green tea. I wanted to make sure I was NOT hungry until after the webinar.

So 10:30 couldn't have come sooner than I wanted. A quick tech test, a gulp of water and away we went. I didn't start off all that smoothly I didn't think. Certainly not as smooth as Michael did. But after I got warmed up a bit, I think I did just fine. The webinar took up a whopping hour and 15 minutes. And then a 15 minute Q&A afterwards. I put up a picture that showed 233 people in attendance. It's the biggest audience I have ever presented to, about cybersecurity anyway. And then I posted the comment that an attendee said it was the best webinar she had attended. I got an email afterwards from another attendee echoing the sentiment. All In all I was very satisfied. My ego was satisfied. And I thought we provided awesome value. High FIVES for all! Here is what our moderator said: 

Good Afternoon Michael and Arnel –You both are Rockstars! Such an awesome job with part one of the cybersecurity series. We had over 240 participants tuned in, be prepared as some may reach out to you all with questions. 

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