Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday Golf Mid May

I played all my tee shots today at Roosevelt already in my mind yesterday while I was watching Johnnie. But then again is doing this just once really enough? Results of today says NO. First of all I started this morning with a nice, FREE Hero's juice from Robek's. It was free because the register wasn't working and the girl behind the counter simply gave the drink away to me for free. Funny, didn't I just say last Wednesday that I got myself a free juice? One could say I manifested this morning's free juice a full 5 days ago :) Either way free is free and I am grateful to the Universe. Now about my golf game... Today I invited Victor the asst manager at our Hollywood site. He had asked me about golf at the Leadership summit and I told him I'd invite him. Maybe he can be our 3rd sometimes right? As it was, he played pretty well. Not at first. That's because right out of the gate, I shot a par on the first hole. Not that THAT is a surprise because I always think I can hit a par on this first hole. I didn't even hit any of the balls particularly well. But just well enough. Tee shot wide left but far enough and not too wide. 2nd shot on the edge of the green but pin level. 3rd shot almost went in. It was a putt. Easy par from there. AND it went downhill from there for me LOL. I never did get another par the rest of the way although I ws close a bunch of times. I had 4 other par putts after the first hole. I missed them all. Sigh. I wasn't totally satisfied with my game today. But I can't say I played all that badly either. And don't I always say: at least I spent time getting my exercise in on a nice day? After golf, i went to the Sidewalk Grill for lunch. I know I know, I have food at home. But hey, I don't fell like fixing myself anything today. It was an easy choice to get salmon kabobs and salad and lentil soup. Besides I was hungry even though we got done by 11:45 today. So I had a nice lunch too and I didn't care about how long it took to get home or not. 
Having already had lunch, I wanted to take a nap this afternoon. Play me my subliminals and affirmations. I reminded myself that I wanted to work on my presentations, Tech Council on Tuesday, NACHC webinar on Wednesday. But I just could not get myself off the couch. Not for those anyway. I did get up and out when I realized I still had to buy my week's vegetables. And so I walked to Ralphs and got my celery, and carrots, my lemons for the week. And I got my fish stack too: shrimp, salmon, tuna. The pic I posted was one of me walking home after. Looking at the picture I think I'm going to have to add a sub about my looks, tightening up skin under my chin and on my neck. And maybe my midsection too. I refuse to buy that these are age-related issues. Anyway what I became aware of was that tonight there was a full lunar eclipse going on. And that we're already in the middle of a Blood Full Moon. What does all that stuff mean? Maybe nothing. But then agian, now that I am fully embracing belief systems rooted in energy, isn't the spiritual significance of a Blood Full Moon lunar eclipse something important? 
I looked it up actually and from what I gather it's all about LETTING GO and moving off my comfort zone. I read up on it while I was eating dinner. Tonight, it's pizza night. Though not the pizza I used to gobble up. The crust is cauliflower based, the sauce may be the same, and the pineapple is real enough.  But the cheese is not real cheese and the ground beef is Beyond meat. A plant-based pizza such as it were. And it was still pretty good actually. I kept watch on the Blood moon eclipse but really I didn't think it was that big of a deal. It was nearly 9 PM when I finally decided I SHOULD work on something due next week. I worked on my Tech Council presentation. Worked on it until midnight and until I couldn't keep my eyelids open any longer. At least I got it all done.  I wanted to get started on Week 2 of the webinar I'm signed up to co-present. Didn't do anything else after the Tech Council stuff. And that is good. It will all get done tomorrow.

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