Sunday, May 22, 2022

Golf Sunday At Eaton

I hadn't played at Eaton Canyon in more than a year. Since April of last year in fact. Back when the three-some was still myself, Scott, and Greg. I don't usually play well at Eaton although once in a while I would surprise myself and sneak in a win, and only because Scott and/or Greg would NOT play well. This morning, I did something very different. I started the morning with an affirmation/meditation exercise about playing good golf, playing well, enjoying myself and played it with the morphic field amplifier that turns those affirmations into a morphic field itself. I did that for about 20 minutes. A morphic field about playing golf well. Let's see what happens. So for starters, there was a long wait at the beginning. We had a 9 AM tee time but apparently there was a couple of fivesomes that were holding up play already. And so we waited to tee off with 3 foursomes in front of us. It was almost 9:20 when we finally got to tee off. And lo and behold, my first shot was a great drive that skipped to the left side of the fairway more than 200 yards down. Great start. And then my second shot landed 40 yards from the green. I still had a par putt (which I missed) but I was happy with a bogey to start the round! I also had a nice tee shot on the 2nd hole but ended up with a double bogey. Still, I can remember many a time on this course where I would start with a 6 and a 7 and be ok with it. The field is working?? On the 3rd hole I had to have a mulligan, but my first shot cleared the fence, 2nd shot went over the bunker on the green. And I sank the par putt! I sank a par putt! A bogey and a par to start? I'll take that every time. On the next hole I whiffed on the tee shot but I got to the green in 4 and missed the bogey putt. On the short Hole 5, I got to another very make-able par putt which I missed for a bogey. On the longest hole I was within 140 yards after 2 shots, shanked the fairway iron but still had a bogey putt, which I made this time. 3 bogeys and a par after 6 holes? Not bad at all! 3 holes left. I was within 20 yardsof the green after 3 shots but overshot the hole on the 4th so I had to settle for a double bogey. And on the 8th hole I had another make-able par putt from 20 feet, which I missed so the count was now 4 bogeys and a par. On the last hole I had 2 strong shots. I was within 30 yards of the green after 4. It should have been an easy bogey. But my chip fell short of the green and that was that. Still I thought I played MUCH better today than I had in a while on this course. I guess the FIELD did work!!
After the game I decided to stay in Pasadena for lunch and went to Baja Fresh. I could still have a shrimp burrito and not eat the burrito. There was shrimp and fajita veggies in and that worked just fine. OK OK I did eat the burrito. And since I saw a couple of familiar stores on the way home, I decided to stop at Old Navy to get Johnnie another shirt for $6, and me another pair of shorts. I hadn't worn a 32 waist in FOREVER! Probably not since USC Dentistry when I was doing all that running. I will point out that was more than 16 years ago. And then I stopped at Bed Bath. I broke my best porcelain knife a couple of weeks back and needed to replace it. I ended up getting another pillow too. And this, and that LOL. I ended up spending $50 LOL. Finally it was 2 PM by the time I got home. Traffic was pretty bad on the 210 and the 10. I coulda shoulda woulda taken a nap too. But I didn't. I just started with the regimen of myYouTube videos. And when it was time for dinner, I opened the stuff I wanted to try from Srouts yesterday. Usually I would make Sunday spaghetti dinner. Tonight it was shiratake spaghetti instead of regular spaghetti. AND it was cauliflower taco meat instead of regular meat. Other than being definitely spicy, it wasn't bad. It did fill me up. And it was low on carbs and had no sugars. Well, maybe it had some with the Prego I still use. I'm trying to remind myself too that meat is also ok every once in a while. And I hadn't had any all week actually. I did have that burrito at lunch though so I didn't want to double up on back-to-back meals. And then after dinner I got a surprise phone call from Lisa. She never calls on a Sunday. I guess they had spent the day at Pt Dume in Malibu. Nice. She was asking for "advice" about how to deal with rides tomorrow on her typically zany Monday of going from one health appointment to the next. She already knew her answer. uber. Maybe she was trying to dig up an excuse to call given the irritated way I left on Friday night. I didn't care and I didn't mind. At least Johnnie got to yelp at me about what he was doing too. I can never hear enough of "Dad! Dad!" no matter what the context. I never did get around to doing the HRSA survey tonight. But that's fine. Got all day tomorrow to do that. It was a pretty good weekend as it turned out. And I fell asleep tired well before 11 PM...

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