Saturday, May 21, 2022

My First First Date In A Year

So today I knew I wouldn't get to see Johnnie, which means I don't get to see him this entire weekend, first time that has happened pretty much all this year. And today, that's ok. I had plenty to do and I wouldn't have had time to spend some quality time with him anyway. It's Lisa's turn to do that. Today I actually lined up a meet and greet with Michelle the woman I met on Match just this past week. She was attractive enough when we met on FaceTime on Wednesday and she was game to meet today especially since she is working in my neck of the woods this morning at Sprouts Culver City. Apparently she works in customer service and goes store to store at the many Sprouts locations and helps people in the vitamin and supplement section. No Johnnie? Perfect time to meet for lunch. I told her I'd be doing shopping at Sprouts anyway this morning and that wouldn't be a lie. What I didn't know was that the large Sprouts is actually not the one in Westwood, and not the one on Exposition a few miles from me. It would be the one on Sepulveda near the Fox Hills Mall, near the Target on Sepulveda that Johnnie and I go to.  And so I did my meditative exercises this morning, did some release work specifically about the Lisa interaction last night. I knew it was coming. I knew that because of the videos on narcissistic people that kept coming up during the day. And I was going to get tested. And I stood my ground. I didn't worry about hurting her feelings, as I reminded myself that she has NO feelings that would get hurt. She was simply all about doing her thing and doing her way and THE BEST THING I could do was not to get sucked into whatever drama she was weaving for herself. She did that already by choosing to work until 11 PM.  No wonder she had us come to her office. Turns out that would be the last time she saw Johnnie since he was already asleep when she got home. The thing that I reminded myself was NOT to talk about Lisa and her antics or our interactions. Nothing that would even FEEL negative. That's one thing you don't really want to focus too much when you're with someone new that you're interested in. So I went to Sprouts and there she was helping someone in the Vitamin Section. And she looked perfectly fine. Very attractive. Curvy attractive. Works for me. I gave her a hug and she told me to go ahead and do my shopping and when I got done we'd go to lunch. It was already noon by the time I made it out to the store anyway. By the time I got done shopping I even went all the way home and dropped off my groceries and then went right back to Sprouts to pick her up. By then it was 1 PM. Perfect. 
So we went to BJs at the Fox Hills Mall for lunch. It was busy. As in there was actually a 30 minute wait. But not at the bar. So there we went to grab lunch and chat for a bit. She had açaí with salmon, I had the ahi tuna salad. Who AM I? And it didn't really feel me up. But hey, that's why I did shopping this morning didn't I? So the purpose of a meet-and-greet was to see if there was some chemistry. You never really know until you spend time with someone. All I do remember was that my last date was actually a year ago. Early May last year. And no I didn't feel any chemistry after meeting up. As in when we hugged goodbye then, I was ok if we didn't go out again. We did have some pretty good conversation over lunch but then again I could have a conversation with anyone about almost anything really. Our commonality was that we were both Filipino-Americans, and first generation at that. Her kids were mostly grown but then again at my age I doubt there would be many women with kids the age of Johnnie. And that would be a decider for later on wouldn't it?  Turned out to be a negative a couple of years ago with this woman Jodi. Let's see what happens. I do know that this time, there was enough chemistry that I want to take her out on a date again. Maybe see if there are some sparks. It seemed easy and flowing to get from meeting her earlier in the week to today. So that's a good sign. We'll see what happens of course. More to come I think. I went on home and for the second day in a row, I didn't really get around to taking a nap. Too many things in my head most likely. That and realizing that I was barely at 1000 steps by 4 PM. I ended up staying in the rest of the day and reverting back to my couch potato binging on TV self. Hey it's ok to do every once in a while. I don't have to be go-go-go all the time. I watched the Dodgers win another game, then binged on the Lincoln Lawyer, the Netflix series based on the movie with Matthew McConaughey from a few years back. A former hotshot lawyer who fell from the perch, lost himself  and is trying to get back on his feet. And the series was about a high-profile case and then surrounded by smaller cases, each of which are seemingly tied together. It was good enough for me to binge on for the rest of the evening. Heck it could have been the Black List for all I care. Or Fringe. or any of the other shows I would binge on for my weekends. No 3 AM in the morning tonight though. There's golf tomorrow. And it's at Eaton Canyon. Can't be tired at all. But as today went, I had a date today. I'll call it a date. And as time markers go, that's a good thing.

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