Sunday, May 1, 2022

First Day In May

After missing golf last week you would forgive me for really looking forward to playing golf today. We had a 9:10 tee time at Altadena and I was already at Robek's on National at 8 AM ready to get my Hero's juice for breakfast. What's in that thing anyway? Spiraling, that's good. Pineapple and banana, really good. Spinach. Flaxseed. That works! I got to the golf course at 8:40 and Scott was already there! Awesome. We could start even earlier. And we were sent off at 8:50 actually. And through the first 3 holes, Scott and I played similarly actually. We played ok, but could have been really great. We both hit for bogey on the first hole. After I got on in 2 and he was on the fringe in as many shots. Then we both shanked our pitches way past the hole and missed the long par putts. We did fine, but could have been great. Second hole, the same. We were playing off the long tees (blues). And we both got double bogeys after shanking our 3rd shots from similar spots on the fairway. One shot is all it takes to screw up a perfectly good score. On the 3rd same thing, nice shot off the tee. I was already 20 yards from the green after the 2nd shot. So was Scott. Again we both messed up the short chip well past the hole. Bogey for Scott, Double bogey for me. Sigh. This would go on for the entire game actually. Really just one shot on each hole that would mess up a good score. The satisfying part was that I had my share of really nice shots pretty much on each hole too. None better than the drive on Hole 9, which easily went over 200 yards right down the middle. Hole 8 was like that too. We both hit drives on the short par-3 right in front of the green. And messed up the chip yet again. We ended up with 5s after being just 20 yards again from the hole. Sigh. And I couldn't make a putt after Hole 4. Still it was oddly satisfying that at least our shots up to the green approach were pretty good today. And it was still a very nice day. And we got done by 11:15. In fact I was back home by 11:45. Nothing wrong with any of that. One thing though... are my legs looking way too scrawny on the picture? Do I look like I lost too much weight? No such thing if I feel perfectly fine. I just have to start doing more resistance exercises I guess to balance the diet stuff.
Anyway with most of my errands done for the weekend, my afternoon AND evening is pretty much clear to do whatever I wanted. And the more and more I think about it, I'm wondering why I need to actually think about doing QueensCare work?! There are so many other things I want to delve into and read or learn. AND I also want to chill and relax. I posted a pic of myself enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face and listening to the waterfall behind me. And that's after I had already zonked out for a nap that lasted more than an hour! The more I am into morphic fields, I'm also getting more and more into how to do them properly, that is to stack fields and optimize their effect. It's like subliminals and affirmations but amped much higher and stronger. I want to create my own subliminals and affirmations. I KNOW they work. But I also am trying to be aware of the stuff that comes up as a result. Stuff that needs to be cleared. For example, I saw myself in my own pic and saw how skinny my legs had become and thoughts came up about maybe I'm sick. OR that is how a sick person would look wouldn't it? I mean I did lose weight as I've mentioned before. But it doesn't mean I'm sick. Why did I think that? That's a program. Needing to be cleared. WE all have lots of them clearly. And I need to work on doing better at gatekeeping these types of negative thoughts before those affect my reality in other than positive ways. I ran into a video too of BEING ANXIOUS ABOUT RESULTS and WAITING FOR RESULTS and why this kind of thinking pushes away results because I am too focused on what I see instead of what I want to manifest. There is no such thing as Divine Timetable either. Just an excuse to explain away my own impatience. I need to remember to CHOOSE and ALLOW. CHOOSE and ALLOW. Everything is inside of me already, not something external I am trying to will to happen. I need to remember to be thankful for whatever it is I'm experiencing now and be steadfast about what I wish to experience in order to allow it to release. As it turned out I did discover another new thing to eat. I baked the ahi tuna I didn't eat last week and that was frozen. And when done, I shredded it with a fork, put that alternative mayo on it and some celery and voila! I ate a tuna melt for dinner. Alternative cheese of course, but it tasted pretty good if I do say so myself. So for the first day in May, on a nice Sunday, I had a nice round of golf with Scott, and then a nice afternoon of discovery with energy. I'm calling it a pretty good day.

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