Friday, May 27, 2022

A Quiet Friday Before the Long Weekend

I stayed up until almost 1 A.M. watching all that TV last night. Which means I'm waking up this morning more tired than the previous few days. But then again I COULD sleep in. After all, I already have Claire the dog so no need to wait for Lisa to call me to drop her off. She called me anyway, at which point I told her about dinner toniight with Johnnie and Brooklyn and Bailey at Rutt's Hawaiian. I didn't expect her to make it but I told her just in case. We ourselves will be coming from Spanish class. But I am looking forward to starting the long weekend on a good note with a Friday night outing. As far as today went, I already had plenty to be thankful for first thing as it IS also payday Friday. And I also found myself going through several videos about learning more about energy modalities. Today I seemed to have focused on Faster EFT. I had already been a big proponent of regular EFT and I have to say I have not been using it as much as I know I should. I know it already works. That's what the issue is sometimes. There are so many modalities available that I get myself sidetracked into perhaps trying all or most of them instead on seeing what does actually work. In my mind, most of them area a combination of multiple modalities anyway. So let me see what has worked for me thus far... Bengston Image Cycling has already provided results for me. EFT has worked in the past and I'm curious to try FasterEFT since it looks like it is EFT and NLP sort of merged together. Morphic fields has worked to some degree, though I am still a bit fearful that I may have triggered somewhat of a reverse effect with kidney pain a couple of weeks ago and then again a couple of days ago. I remind myself that i may possibly be dealing with undoing and unlearning generations of learned patterns and so it may take a little time. It's like working on a rubber band stretched to behave a certain way. Different pressure might make it behave differently, but it takes consistent effort over time or it will snap back to the previous position. How much time? That is the variable isn't it? I do notice that I am looking quite a bit different but I also need to work on that. I am looking older. And my skin is sagging under my neck and my stomach, presumably from the weight I had lost. After all, I did drop at least 16 pounds a couple of waist sizes fairly quickly actually. Which is why I am now looking for a morphic field to address that specifically. In the meantime, I did enjoy my neighborhood mid-afternoon to log some steps. And as a sort of preemptive exercise. After all, eating at Rutt's Hawaiian, I am LIKELY to veer off the vegan, non-carb eating pattern. 
I picked up Johnnie from school at 4:30, officially starting my long weekend. And then he did his Spanish class and then just as soon as he logged off we were off to Rutt's Hawaiian which was 6 minutes away from me. Brooklyn, Bailey and their mom Blair and grandmom were already there waiting for us. I was excited to be here because in the almost 4 years now that I've lived in my apartment, I have yet to eat here though it's so close and I cannot deny my affinity for Hawaiian food. At least until 3 months ago. And tonight I was willing to forego my new eating patterns if just for tonight. So what that I ordered katsu chicken? And it came with 2 heaping scoops of white rice AND macaroni salad? The rice went to Johnnie actually and it augmented his quesadilla very nicely. I actually ate a piece of his quesadilla too. It was as if I was going to break my streak tonight anyway, might as well make it a good one. As it turned out Lisa managed to make it to dinner albeit nearly 6 PM. We were definitely still there at the time and as Blair said, she had nothing better to do tonight. So we waited for her and I ordered her some chasu pork ramen. And ended up eating some of the chasu pork as well. At least I did not have that much carbs. The girls both had French toast and bacon and eggs. Breakfast for dinner. And we all had a nice get-together. Which produced the picture above with all the kids hanging around Lisa. There is only 2 weeks of school left and then Brooklyn is off to summer in Arizona and Johnnie is off to summer at Penmar. So it was good that they got to hang out if just for this evening. And boy they made a night of it too, the kiddos did. They had 3 frozen icees for dessert, chased each other around the restaurant. You know, kiddos being kiddos. And then after wards, Lisa simply followed me home to pick up the dog. Eezy peezy hand-off. And since it was relatively early, I was able to finish my steps just in time to hang out on the couch and watch some more "internal work" videos. I was supposed to finish the Sapien medicine training today but never did get to it. Probably a part of me distracting myself from getting focused and finally getting it done. While watching some more FasterEFT, I fell asleep. And woke up near midnight only to simply fall back to bed. Gotta leave in the morning for San Diego with Johnnie so sleep was a good idea.

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