Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A Quick Healing

So as I mentioned in yesterday's post, I felt like I had to undo the morphic field which I did and which I believe caused the pain in my kidneys. A reboot and a reset such as it were. I needed to reboot my internal computer. Fortunately I found a morphic field, a program to do just that. And when I woke up in the middle of the night? There was no more pain! And when I woke up this morning, there was no pain. It was as if yesterday never happened. If anything convinced me even more that morphic fields are real, yesterday was it. You can call it or perceive it however you like. Magic, spells, subtle energies, blah blah. I will call them morphic fields. They sound more scientific then LOL. I was almost surprised. I mean when I think about it, how much of past "illnesses" could have been morphic fields? How much of those could I have easily gotten rid off with the right programming? And the fact that my event happened so quickly, in such a very short period of time, in less than 24 hou4s, makes it even more possible to me that things like spontaneous healings could be real. I mean what do we really know is really possible? The problem is I HAVE been listening to other people's morphic fields, but then those are off YouTube. I mean, how do I really know what was infused into these fields? It's like listening to someone else's affirmations and subliminals. Maybe, it would work. But what if there are affirmations in there that are out of sync with whatever is going on with you? What would happen then? More than likely that which happened to me yesterday. And so I thought the only way to be sure was to create your own subliminals and affirmations yourself. And converting those to morphic fields by another morphic field. And so this morning I did just that. I did my own "wellness" affirmation/subliminal. Recorded them in my Mac's voice memos, converted them to mp3s. Then downloaded some rain audio for background noise. Overlayed those 2 tracks with Audacity, lowering the volume of my affirmations so they could barely be heard. And then put in some rain videos for good measure using iMovie. And then the whole thing was exported as a video and uploaded to YouTube. So NOW I have my own healing affirmations as subliminals. And it took under an hour to do. I could do all kinds of these. But first, I have to test them. And I do that now...
All that stuff I did all before lunch, and by the time I got done with lunch, I didn't really feel like working at all. Call it a TANK TUESDAY such as it were. What do I do on a TANK TUESDAY? Well today I went to the Century City mall. Bought myself another pair of shorts which cost me $15. And picked up a pair for Johnnie too for $10. But the real reason I went was to pick up a large container from the Container Store. I needed something to store Johnnie's comforter and pillows and blankets. Those things are so big. They are for a queen bed after all. And so with this new container, I could put all these beddings away quickly and right next to the sofa bed. Much more organized this way. The whole trip to Century City took all of a half hour there and back. I was back by 2 PM. And so I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up my steps. I mean, now that I felt SOOO much better than yesterday, it was much much easier. And then I waited until 5 PM when it was time to pick up Johnnie from school. Of course I had other tasks on my mind too. I have a webinar to do next week. And I'm only mostly finished with the first part. I still have the second part to do. And then I get reminders. Barbara via TEAMs asking me about outstanding stuff. I was not all that worried about either. I wasn't all that worried about anything really. Why worry when I KNOW I can effect my. own outcomes. The trick is not to let EGO get in the way and to keep getting more information and to practice what I think I know. The trick is not to let FEAR get in the way. Tonight it was more like routine. Getting Johnnie his dinner at Panda Express. But even THAT was practice. I thought about getting a parking spot in the first deck at the mall. And then not dealing with traffic on the way back. Which is exactly what happened. Not only did I get a spot, I got the FIRST spot. And then coming home was pretty easy too.  And after dinner, we did an errand. I printed Johnnie's family picture for Thursday stuff-at-school day. It was a picture of our family, Lisa - Johnnie - and me, and his birth parents and their family. It's as good a family picture as any. Tonight, I did my family thing. Trimmed Johnnie's hair, listened to his latest information download on Pokemon. Put him to bed with a kiss on his forehead. And I went to bed grateful for it all. DID I NOT HEAL MYSELF TODAY?

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