Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Busy Busy Busy Day In the Morning

This morning was a really busy day. First of all we're at Eagle Rock today for Town Hall, the farthest location from me. And I was more determined than ever to get there on time. And so we're again the third person at the gate. It's funny listening to the conversations of the parents. It seems like most of the parents that get there early don't live in the school vicinity and had to apply to get in. Makes me feel good that I'm not even a 10-minute walk away and that Johnnie doesn't need to apply for anything. He's already in a great spot for 4 more years. Anyway I was off to Eagle Rock by 7:50. And despite the traffic downtown, I made it there before the Town Hall started. And even though this location is notorious for its low energy, I think I did fine. It was a bam-bam-bam morning for me so immediately after I headed to the FRB. Braving another glut of traffic downtown. I got there well before 10 AM. So much so I stopped to get a juice at Qwench right there by Ralphs. I must have passed this store a thousand times over the years. Only now am I getting something from there LOL. It's always nice to see the FRB now, especially because I don't have to be there every day. I did another Town Hall with Queenscare, where my part only took 4 minutes really. AND then I had to be on another meeting with NACHC about the upcoming webinar in 2 weeks. Which is all that stuff I stayed up late last night doing. All good still. And finally I could go have lunch. I decided to stay downtown and eat here, especially since I hadn't done so in a while. I went to this new place on Grand. A poke/sushi place. I had a chirashi plate, which cost me over $30. But hey, who's counting?! I already spent $12 on the juice this morning. I reminded myself I hadn't bought anything in a couple of days anyway. This just balances everything out. And so I took off and went home right after I had lunch. It had already been a pretty packed kind of day.

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