Monday, May 23, 2022

A Week Like the Last One

So it's another Monday and like last week I have a webinar to do on Wednesday. But I am busier than ever because this is HRSA Survey report week. AND I have to attend the Board Meeting next week to talk about UDS so I have to have at least a few slides done for that one. Still since I have last week's webinar under my belt already and I've already gotten all the slides pretty much done for Part 2, I don't feel any urgency at all.  In fact, if I could have stayed in bed all morning doing meditation exercises I think I would have. I was so relaxed when I checked my Fitbit, I saw my Resting Heart Rate (RHR) at 60 bpm! That is DEFINITELY the lowest it had ever been since I've been measuring it for the last 6 years or so. I mean it had gone down for 5 days in a row. Could it be all the subliminals and combo morphic fields I've been doing. That is a good possibility. The only thing is now I'm wondering if it's gotten TOO LOW in fact? I mean I don't want to have cold hands and feet all of a sudden. Still, it's amazing that it was just 3 months ago that it was topping out in the high 70s, a full 20 pts higher than it is today. Still it's pretty awesome that just by changing my diet I normalized my Blood Pressure and Resting Heart Rate. Now to focus on any other issues. And so I did my 5000 steps and 50 active minutes before 9:15, did 30 pushups and felt really good... except for perhaps I lost so much fat so quickly, my skin around my stomach area is definitely showing some sag. Gotta do some collagen morphic fields for that one to get it all tightened up nice. And so I worked on those opting to work on the other stuff for my job for later on this afternoon. And then of course I get a ping from Lisa letting me know about her schedule today. To me all I cared about was whether i was going to pick up Johnnie from school or not. Apparently Lisa had an optometry appointment and was going to get her eyes dilated. She won't be able to see. So there was a good chance i was going to be needed to pick up Johnnie. But not yet. At least she had her mom drive her to the doctor's. Sure looks like she's merely finding a way to keep up whatever attachment we have. And for now, I am ok with that.
And so this afternoon I focused on ramping up on my steps AND working on my HRSA report though really there isn't as much data as there was a year ago so I got done with the thing in a little over an hour. I remember it used to take me all afternoon to do. So HOW did we get to the picture I posted of Lisa and Johnnie, and of course myself eating at Panda Express tonight? Lisa called me at 4:30 and her pupils were dilated and she couldn't see. Clearly she wasn't driving and she was going to take Uber Home. Since she was just at Cedars on Wilshire and La Cienega I thought i'd play nice and offer to pick her up.  And then I get to pick up Johnnie from school right before. This would probably mean I get him earlier than usual tonight. Which was what I wanted in the first place. So I picked up johnnie, and then I picked up Lisa in Beverly Hills and since we were all together already and it was already 5:45, it was Lisa who asked if we could all just go to dinner. I was ok with that too. I mean we were here now. Johnnie of course was all for doing Oops. That kid. Lisa and I thought maybe not tonight though and so we just happened to be on Olympic and Westwood already and I thought maybe Panda Westwood? THAT is how we eventually got to dinner and the pic. We drove Lisa home afterwards and her vision was still pretty blurry. I hope she didn't think she was still going to play soccer tonight. No matter. The second she settled on her couch and closed her eyes we were outta there :) Not before we took the garbage bins in and fed the gecko and the fish... but Hey at least I had dinner already even though it was just a portion of veggies and shrimp. We stopped at Whole Foods to get me more food. A frozen cauliflower pizza. And so I got full, much more so that I usually would these last few months. I wonder where that came from? The need to eat more I mean? I mentioned that only because as I was working on my UDS presentation content and johnnie was watching his Pokemon, I developed a pain in my lower abdomen near my groin. It wasn't a sharp pain. More like a dull ache. But i called it a 5. Is it the prostate stuff again? I don't think so. I think it's another kidney stone episode. Just like a couple of weeks ago. WTF?! What is up with this? 2 weeks ago I thought I OD'd on morphic fields. Is it the same? I remembered I did the erase and reset morphic field and the pain magically went away. And so I tried to do the same. But it didn't happen this time. What is going on now?

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