Saturday, May 14, 2022

A Lazy Saturday, and a VERY good day

I like this quote I came across: "A Happy Life is Just A String of Happy Moments". The other side of that quote is that most people spend too much time trying to live a happy life, instead of simply choosing to BE happy. To that end, my desired outcome whenever I get to spend a significant string of time with Johnnie is simply for he and I to create Magic Moments. M&Ms such as it were. Moments he will be sure to remember later on in life. That he had fun with his dad when... And those kinds of moments a lot of the time, you don't really have to work so hard on. You just be. Of course there are negative things all around you. When I walked up to Lisa's house this morning for example, I noticed the car parked in front of her house had all 4 tires missing and the car was raised. Someone had stolen those tires for sure. And right in front of Lisa's house too in the middle of the night. Boy if that doesn't give you some pause. But the thing about observed negativity is that you simply choose not to let it define your experience.  For me at that moment, it was a reminder to simply make sure a protective energy shield is in place at all times. I can put one for Lisa and Johnnie and their house for sure. No need to even explain it to Lisa. She wouldn't understand anyway. She is simply to pre-occupied with going in to work today and doing her usual stuff at work. With that said, she at least was able to put on her mommy hat and made Johnnie breakfast this morning. AND of course, she had to leave me with an errand. I had to bring Claire to her groomer appointment and pick her up afterwards. Why not?! Johnnie and I had nothing to do this morning but go do our usual grocery shopping run. Then again, since I didn't have to be at Elysee anymore and since Johnnie already did breakfast, all that meant was that a little tweak was in store. I gave Johnnie a shower at Lisa's house then went back to my apartment to make myself some celery/carrot/apple juice for my breakfast. And then finished with getting my car washed before heading back to Lisa's.  Since Claire's appointment was at 10 AM and we had to walk her a couple of blocks to it, we just hung out at Lisa's house. And then since we did have to pick her back up a couple of hours later, I decided we would just stay there the rest of the morning. Hey, Lisa has Netflix too though she chooses not to watch anything. Johnnie can easily watch his Pokemon episodes there. AND while walking around to this errand, I got to log all kinds of steps today. It was all good. And so the 2nd pic I posted was Johnnie and I relaxing on the couch watching his Pokemon. Actually, he was watching, I had my Mac with me. And I was actually getting caught up on stuff. Even did part of that class from Sapien Medicine that I decided to purchase once and for all.  And already with one energy perception exercise, it was already worth the $135 I paid for it. I have to learn to become more sensitive to these energies that are around us. And that will take a little practice. This class is already helping with that. The thing though was that Johnnie and I were doing our thing separately but together. That used to be our thing Lisa and I. As long as we were together, it didn't really matter what we were doing. Boy that seems so long ago doesn't it when we were still able to do that <smiles>.
And so by the time we picked up Claire, it was already past noon. We had hung out in the front yard eating strawberries right off the plants Johnnie and I. I imagine that would be a lot of his lunch already during the school day. But I had a better lunch in mind. Just as soon as we walked back from the groomer's, we put Claire back in the house. She looks so fluffy and clean now. Like a different dog! And Johnnie and I headed to the Century City mall where we did what is becoming a routine. Johnnie had Panda Express, I had poke from Big Fish Little Fish. And we stopped at Old Navy too so I could get him new swim trunks. His old ones are still 4T. Time for new ones since it is almost summer.  And then when we went home, I was ready for a nap. Hey, it's Saturday. I don't have to do anything. I don't have to think about anything. I can just nap. I let Johnnie watch more TV as if we were at my apartment. And, since I'm pretending we were at my apartment, I took a nap on the couch. I got 45 minutes in in fact. Only Johnnie jumping inadvertently on my stomach woke me up. It earned him a yelling from me, for which I was immediately sorry. I'm sorry J-, I just got startled is all. The afternoon went by quickly actually. Pretty soon it was 5 pM already and I had Johnnie go from TV to Prodigy on his computer. Gamified Math was what it was. Lisa doesn't like it because he's still in front of a screen. Then again what does Lisa like actually? Board games. Sigh. Only stuff she understands. I have to be careful not to be too judgmental about that and see things from her point of view as well, though she is incapable of seeing things from mine.  I made Johnnie dinner. Lisa still had plenty of pasta and spaghetti sauce. We had stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home and anticipating we would be having dinner, I picked up kidney beans and tomato sauce and plant-based ground meat crumbles to make my vegetarian chili dish. What she DOES have that I don't is cayenne pepper. Gotta remember to pick up some of that. Johnnie and I had a pretty full meal.  The collage I put together was his lunch and dinner.  And then after the meal I did some steps outside. Augmenting it with energetic thoughts and image cycling while accepting energy from the sun, while it was starting to set. I'm thinking that seeing this picture in the future is a sort of homemade morphic field to remind me to draw from the Universe's well of energy whenever I get tugged by negative influences. That one I would realize when Lisa came home. It was 8 PM already but I could sense negative energy around her. I had protected myself with an energy shield earlier so nothing happened, not an argument, not anything.  And I got to go home in relative peace. Though as I did so and heard her sort of telling Johnnie the kitchen was unacceptable and he had to clean up I still had to shake my head. Kind of like watching the car that was jacked in front of Lisa's house. What I do know is that Johnnie and I had a pretty full day today and we had our M&M moments. And regardless of what Lisa does the rest of the evening? I sent loving energy to Johnnie and telepathically sent him a message. We had a good day today you and I Johnnie. I love you.

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