Thursday, May 5, 2022

Week Is Almost Over

I was doing so well with the whole not getting-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night to pee thing that I thought I was overt that. Not quite last night. Maybe it was all the fish I ate yesterday, after all I did do Japanese food TWICE, for both lunch and dinner and I ate a lot. Ate some carbs too for the first time in a while. Anyway, I'm thinking that has me reverting back to when it was at its worst a couple of months ago. I must have gotten up 3 times last night. Needless to say I was not at my best getting up this morning. And I needed to be at Hollywood by 8:30. Still I did manage to hustle Johnnie into getting up and ready and despite Lisa commenting about breakfast at McDonald's on a daily basis last night, off we went to get his pancakes and sausage this morning. Hey, I'm glad to pay about $5 so I don't have to prepare anything or wash anything. And so it was that I got Johnnie through the gate and I was on the freeway by 7:55. I was already off ramped on Vermont by 8:06 in fact. And even though there seemed like a dozen road work stoppages on the way, I was there easily by 8:25 AM. 

The Hollywood Health Center is always unique. It is the largest and has quite the history. AND today, it was the most raucous. When I got there there was already a whole bunch of cheering going on. Victor the assistant manager had everyone rockin' and as a speaker I appreciated that big time. It's always great when your audience has a ton of energy. And boy did they. Victor even introduced me in his own special inimitable way. It was like that guy that yells 'Lets get ready to r-r-r-u-m-b-l-e!!!" And my speech came out easily and almost effortlessly in fact. I totally got into the flow.  And then an hour later, it was done and I was on my way back home. I had the EHR team meeting at 11 AM and I wanted to get home well before that. I didn't have Claire this morning either. Lisa kept her so she could have a doggy day with Ines and her dog. I was happy about that. I can't say I missed Claire today in fact. Still, it WAS a Thursday and when I got done with my meeting and got lunch together, I realized I could breathe out. I don't have to push so much anymore. And in fact, I plopped down on the couch and took a nice, long hour+ nap! Best part of the day. And did some morphic field listening too while I was at it. I felt refreshed. So much so, i went from 2000 steps to 7000 steps almost in no time and fairly effortless until it was time to get Johnnie. If it weren't for Spanish class I would have waited until 5 PM. I had everything ready for his dinner in fact. The colored spaghetti, the pizza crust. And today was his first day of basketball too. So needless to say, he wasn't exactly all clean. And that's ok. He didn't have much time between coming home and starting his class. And I could tell the class was pushing him a bit. I know this when he starts yawning. It's not as if he's tired. But his brain sure is getting pushed. Look at the pic. Almost immediately when his class finished, I had his dinner ready. And then I let him watch Pokemon to his heart's content. Lisa would call later on around 6:45 letting me know she was already home but if I could keep watching JOhnnie for an extra hour so she could play the piano. That was perfectly fine with me. I dropped off Johnnie and Claire by 7:45 and when I got home I officially claimed the rest of the evening for myself. I watched the Season Finale of Picard Season 2. Well of course they tied up all the plot lines. A new Borg alliance because Agnes Jurati is now the queen? Chris Rios staying in the 22nd century? It's not like it was without precedent. Wesley Crusher coming back to recruit Kore? And then there's the Khan Project. Ahh, it was a great season ending. Can't wait for Season 3.

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