Monday, May 2, 2022

Town Hall Week Again

So it's Monday and it's Town Hall week, which means I'm showered and out of the house by 7:45 AM. The difference today though was that I was actually out and walking my neighborhood already BEFORE 7 AM. I wanted to get at least 2000 steps in before I headed out even though this morning, we're supposed to be at our East Third Health Center. That means I can actually walk even more because we're not supposed to park in the regular parking area due to such a shortage in parking spots. I'm fine with that. I can actually get to the benchmark 5000 steps by the time I get home, and well before lunchtime. I was already feeling good with the walk, but I had some nice meditation under my belt too by then so I was feeling double good. AND I noticed I hadn't been getting up in the middle of the night to pee as well. Could I possibly be getting the whole prostate thing under control? Could those morphic fields be working? Anyway as far as the Town Hall went, I was very well prepared. Even practiced my whole shpeel in the shower. I felt like I controlled the energy of the entire room and I felt like I shared my own energy as well. East Third people are very active and engaged anyway. I didn't feel like I would have had problems with them. Anyway I was home by 10:05 AM and I already did have 5000+ steps AND more than 50 active minutes to boot. So from this point it would be like any normal Monday. I immediately made myself some celery juice and tossed it down. All I had so far was green tea. I managed to make it through the morning without letting myself get tempted by Porto's LOL. 
With the Town Hall under my belt fairly early, this Monday shaped to be like most Mondays. I still had a lot to do of course. I had to work on the presentation for the QueensCare TownHall on WEdnesday although I really only had to do a couple of slides for that one. And of course I had to do my slides for the webinar coming up for NACHC. I have to get serious for that one. It's a paid gig after all. NOt paid to me of course, but that actually does make me even more official as a paid public speaker LOL. I have all my material already, I just have to put them together. And as it was I got hit by a big case of the lazies after lunch. Probably because I had a nice tuna sandwich. From real tuna actually, the ahi that I baked yesterday. Some substitute mayo, a little celery and I even ate it with real bread. The sourdough bread Lisa gave us last week. I read somewhere where sourdough bread isn't like regular bread and doesn't cause insulin spikes. It's actually even good for your gut microbiome. That and a whole bunch of morphic field stacks and all I could do was become aware of how good I felt. I even did 3 full sets of the nitric oxide exercise today at 20 reps each. Hadn't done that in quite a while. And did 26 pushups right after. And so I had a pretty decent workout day today. I also enjoyed what turned out to be a nice, sunny, mildly warm day out. Had to take a pic of me with the Tesla Model Y behind me of course since that is on my image cycling list.  I was already done with 15000 by the time I headed out to pick up Johnnie at Lisa's house.  I waited until 7:30. I figured mom and son would be fine hanging out until late as possible since I did have him all those days in a row last week.  As soon as we got to the apartment though on came Pokemon, out came the Pokemon cards and even Johnnie said Home Sweet Home. I feel the same way Little Bug.  Quietly, I did notice that today was May 2. As in Lisa and I got married on this day 13 years ago LOL on a day kind of like today in Santa Barbara. Why did I remember this year and I'm pretty sure I didn't really remember last year? I was in the middle of a date a year ago today LOL. These days, I am content focusing on being Johnnie's dad. If that means I make peace with Lisa and put up with her many quirks and things, most of which I don't like, well then so be it. I just have to quietly make sure I claim my own boundary too. If I want to go home just to watch TV, then I do just that. No need to explain or defend. Just do. And it has been working out fine actually. And at the end of the day I think Johnnie is happy just the way things are.  He sort of gets the best of both worlds right? Tonight Lisa had a late soccer game. She probably would have made Johnnie watch still at 9:15 PM it it were 4 years ago. Tonight, I simply declined so Johnnie can go to bed as normal. Besides, I didn't get to finish my slides. In fact, I didn't even get started until after dinner. I was up until almost midnight. But at least I have something to show right? Check-in meeting is on Wednesday after all. I feel like I got a lot accomplished today. And that is always good.

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