Monday, May 16, 2022

Starting What Should Be An Interesting Week

So it is another Monday and I got a nice start by getting a lot of my meditation and internal work done as I got up first thing this morning. It's like I got Johnnie's Daily Pass and went into my meditation routine and felt really really good. I already knew that the first part of this week was going to be SUPER DUPER busy. After all my Tech Council Meeting got moved to tomorrow, then the NACHC webinar is happening on Wednesday and I have through today to put the finishing touches on both. Oddly, I'm not really all that nervous about either.  And certainly not the Tech Council meeting. Nothing to be worried about there, particularly now that I know Dr Liao and Eloisa are both not going to attend. Gonna be a small group and that makes it an eezy-peezy meeting. The webinar should provide me with more concern but again I'm really not all that worried about it. More like, been there and done that. This is almost the 3rd time I'm showing this presentation and therefore I think I know what I'm doing and I'm pretty sure I'm going to do just fine.  And not only did I get a good start with my internal work, I also got out and about by 7:45 and by 8:40 I had finished 5000 steps and had 50+ active minutes under my belt. Well on my way to another 15000+ steps Monday. And I threw in 30 pushups to boot. After all what do they say when you do 30 pushups a day? Well, I understand that guys in their late teens (19 years old mind you)  should be able to do 28 push-ups. HEY, I'm already past the benchmarks of those young whipper snappers. In fact, the benchmark for my age is 10 pushups. HAH. Blew by that one. Tomorrow I do pull-ups LOL LOL. Anyway I felt really good about myself physically. And before 10 AM I even got in a hot/cold shower that had me feeling refreshed. Yep, not all that stressed at all. Except maybe I started feeling a little hungry a little earlier than usual. Probably due to all that exercising. I remind myself that a week ago I felt like I had been stabbed in my lower back and I had carried that pain all day long. So frustrating. Much better that a week later it was like it had never happened. 
In the afternoon, I managed to put my head down and got work done. So much so that I had to scramble around 4 PM to get some more steps in and get to 10,000 before 5 PM. See if you chunk it down and not try to do it all at once, 15000 actually is pretty easy if you break it down in 3 stages. Stage 2 done, I was kicking back and relaxing when I got the call from Lisa. I was expecting it actually. After all, it's Monday, soccer night for her, hand-off night for Johnnie. But this time she had another one of her so-called crisis calls LOL. Sacko had arrived from Paris and apparently is stuck at LAX because Lisa's dad couldn't find him. And that's because he forgot his phone. Sigh. Not going to state the obvious (like father like daughter LOL LOL). And now Lisa has to go pick him up. I don't know what she has to debate in her head about what to do. She wanted to know if she should pick up Johnnie from school. Well, if SHE WANTS to be the one to pick up Johnnie then she should do it now otherwise I'm going. Not a competition obviously but she wanted to spend time with him and so that's what she did. She picked up Johnnie from school, I picked up the dog from her house so she doesn't have to take her to the soccer game. And then I had dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs. Keto style. That would be lentil spaghetti and Impossible beef style crumbles. With some onions it actually turned out pretty good! I got a second phone call from Lisa. Turned out he's at her house spending the night and he wants to go to her soccer game. And so it was that tonight, I went to her house earlier than usual since I already had the dog and hung out with them and went to the soccer game. It was nice to see Sacko and talk to him again. He was so hospitable the first time we went to Paris. That was pre-Johnnie of course. And then when we went with Dexter he took us to Decathlon I remember. Of course I wanted to return the favor any way I could even though I probably won't get to since he's hanging out with Lisa's dad mostly. Tonight though we got to see Lisa play soccer and <gasp> she even scored a GOAL! Wow! And then with 5 mins left, Johnnie and I took off and slipped back into Monday routine. That Sacko was here already made the day unique. But at the end of the night, it's still me kissing my son goodnight, telling him how much I loved him and then knocking off after a good day.

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