Monday, May 9, 2022

What the HECK was today all About??

So I don't need to write about how obsessed I'm getting about the prostate stuff, although last night I slept through the night and had normal pee when I did wake up. The funny thing was that I thought there was blood in my pee last night. Not once did I think it was all that red sauce with kidney beans that I had for dinner. Isn't that hilarious? That I realize that there is a part of me that is obsessed with convincing me that I am sick or that all is not well. Or that there is something terribly wrong and that I'm dying!!! What the heck?! Even when I was perfectly fine this morning. So today's post is all about manifesting an illness... my own. I got up and did some meditation and that was all good. It should be a quiet week this week although I still had lots of stuff to do. Next week is the NACHC webinar after all and I have to start focusing on that. I had already done time cards but I still had the HRSA survey to do too. I wonder why I didn't simply knock it off yesterday? Because I knew I'd have today is why. While perusing through YouTube, I saw this video on cleansing my kidneys. Drink a cup of this and your kidneys will never give up. I don't even know WHY I thought there was something wrong with my kidneys. Maybe it's associating the entire urinary system as a group right? You need your kidneys to pee right? Couldn't be any harm in flushing them and keeping them functioning well. The video said you had to have a cup of water and a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice. And then apple cider vinegar. And honey just so you don't throw it all up LOL. I actually WALKED to Whole Foods to get these ingredients. I figured, might as well do my morning walk, get to 5000 steps and try out the flush formula. What harm could there be in doing that? On my walk I saw a white Tesla Model Y, which is most definitely still on my image cycling list. Had to take a picture next to it don't I? Easily translatable to something I own already right? And so I did my walk, got the ingredients and made my "tonic". Swigged it down. Followed it up with some celery apple juice to boot. Healthy right? Well first of all, it did not taste good. And I expected that. And then almost immediately I developed a pain in my lower abdomen on the left side. Uh-oh. That usually means pee-ing issues right? It wasn't that bad, I'd characterize it more like a low-grade pain. A 3 such as it were. But there was definitely discomfort. I did some morphic field videos too on the kidneys and on the urine system in general. I figured, might as well just heal it all. ...Except that it didn't. 
By lunchtime, the pain had gotten stronger. Now a 5. And now there's pain in my lower back too, consistent with the kind of pain I experience with kidney stones. What the fuck? I'm supposed to cleanse and be well after the tonic. Is THAT what the flush did? Or is it the morphic fields that I listened to? I don't know just yet but all I do know is that now it felt like I had a full on kidney stone episode. It felt like that night in 2015 when I went to the emergency room. Now the pain was up to an 8.  I could still function. I did make myself a nice salmon salad for lunch. But I couldn't focus. Certainly not on work. I certainly couldn't take a nap. WHAT DID I DO? Discovering all these energetic modalities made me understand that what I was experiencing was something I created. The only thing that was different was the tonic and I don't think it would have caused an onset of kidney stones. Am I even having a kidney stone episode? Or just the symptoms of such? All I knew was that I was in pain. When it alleviated some, I tried to get some work done. I tried to do m steps. Doing those steps seemed to help a bit and eased the pain somewhat actually. Maybe it moved something huh? I finished the HRSA survey at least, though I did it so fast mainly to take advantage that I could focus some. I tried to close my eyes on the couch and focus on the here and now. But that just brought up an interesting question. How does one focus on the here and now when one is in pain. By not putting oneself in that situation of pain that's how. Fortunately I was able to fall asleep. How I did that I don't know exactly. And when I woke up it was already 6:30 PM. But at least the pain seemed to have abated. Back down to a 3 I'd say. I called Lisa to figure out when to pick up Johnnie and she said to come by the soccer field at 7:30 PM. Am I even going to be fine to do that? I believe there is a huge mental component to this pain too. Because when I got to the business of making dinner and readying up to get Johnnie, and OBTW finishing up my steps, the pain was actually much much less. Let it be known that even while supposedly in pain, I still finished 15,000+ steps and 150+ active minutes today. THAT is not someone who is sick. As it was I did pick up Johnnie at 7:30PM and he was as active and talkative as he usually is. How do I match that energy when mine is considerably lower tonight? By making it through his bedtime that's how. By 9 PM, I was perusing all kinds of stuff on the web. Acupressure and accupuncture points to relieve the pain. And finally, I found the morphic field reboot video
I found 2 in fact. This being the other video. I played it but no immediate relief. All I wanted was to go to sleep. Finally I did. And I woke up again around midnight. I guess I wanted to go pee. But the pain was gone! THE PAIN WAS GONE! Something worked. Thank God!

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