Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Eezy Peezy

So today and tomorrow are supposed to be the toughest days of this week, tomorrow of course being the singular point of significance. Of course the wise man said... "You still have to get through today first, in order to get to tomorrow." So today I'm finding myself still working on tomorrow's presentation. Maybe it's all those affirmations stating that I PROVIDE MASSIVE VALUE. It's just not in my DNA I guess to provide a mediocre product. So I'm prettying up pictures, I'm clearing up tables, making my slides look even MORE professional. And that's even before Michael put his own slides up. I am fully aware I am doing the vast majority of the content work. It's ok I am HAPPY to share the glory tomorrow just as long as it all goes well. In the meantime, I still have the Tech Council Meeting to do TODAY. And wouldn't you know I almost missed the damn thing. I had swapped time slots with Eloisa and I thought it would be the same time slot, which was 2 PM. Turned out it was an hour EARLIER at 1 PM. And so here I am enjoying my lunch, being very casual about it simply waiting for 2 PM to roll around. Until i get a phone call from Marina. She's asking about the meeting. Uh-oh. That's when I realized the meeting was at 1 PM. Barbara had called Guadalupe and everything. I guess everyone was waiting for me to start the meeting. YIKES! Double YIKES! Fortunately, I did have all my material on the ready and all I had to do was pull it up. And so it was that only 4 people attended the meeting. The rest couldn't make it or simply gave up on me today. Hey, I apologized didn't I? Besides, as long as Barbara was there, then I could still talk about stuff I could "enhance". Today, that was bandwidth requirements for working remotely. I just talked about it with my team yesterday LOL. Today, I'm setting a requirement as if it were a decree LOL. Talk about manufacturing material out of thin air! And when I finished the meeting, it was already 2 PM! I had gone an hour after all. And in Johnnie's words, the meeting was as easy as pie LOL. 
After the meeting I went for a walk around my neighborhood. Stopped at the chin up bars at Mar Vista Park and did a set of 10. Hey I could still do 10 pull-ups. How about that! So not only was I able to do my steps today, but I also augmented that with resistance stuff. My arms got sore no question. But hey it's good for me. I noted that I thoroughly enjoyed walking around my neighborhood too. I wonder if I could find a small house here in the future? Hey all I need is 2 bedrooms right? It was 4 PM by the time I got back from the walk. It was already nearly time to pick up Johnnie. Of course he would be bubbling about what Pokemon card he picked up today. I have no idea where he gets these cards I swear! This being a Tuesday we went to Panda Express to pick up his dinner. It was then that Lisa called. Apparently Principal Choe had called her up but didn't talk to her and asked her to call back. Immediately I could tell Lisa's questions were about if Johnnie had caused trouble. Which disturbed me a bit. How do we know what the call was about? Why do we have to assume Johnnie caused trouble? I could sense Johnnie's discomfort while his mom asked him these questions about what happened today. I don't know what Principal Choe called about. What I do KNOW is that Johnnie is a good little boy who LISTENS to what you tell him. And no matter what it was that might have happened, I know Johnnie has a good heart and already has a good head on his shoulders and that he didn't cause any trouble. In fact, what he does is jump in quickly to defend friends. That's I'm finding out my little boy is all about. And I couldn't feel any better for that. I'm brushing off this call until I find out more info. In the meantime, Johnnie returned to his playful self once off the phone with Lisa. Thank God. I swear that woman can make a tick nervous. I energetically blanketed Johnnie with protective energy. And I made sure he knew no matter what his mom and I loved him very much. And that we believe in what he says. LISTENING IS EVERYTHING. Also making sure he KNOWS we hear him. The evening went by quickly. That's because I started to rehearse what I was going to say at tomorrow's webinar.  I mocked up the whole thing and it took about an hour. I think I'm good. Didn't go to bed until midnight. But good just the same.

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