Thursday, May 19, 2022

Lessons on what to focus on

With the webinar over, I now can breathe and chill for the rest of the week. Until I realize that that was only the first part and now I turn my attention to the second part of the webinar series which is next week. And I don't even have the presentation for that all ready yet. And so guess what I focused on today? Finding content. If anything, that has proven to be a pretty damn strong skillset of mine. And I also thought I should be applying it to ANY OTHER THING and I can easily monetize that. I also can now say I've done a webinar for more than a couple of hundred people. And so I think I would be comfortable doing it for the next level. A thousand people! Pretty good huh? THAT can be monetized right? But first things first, today I'm merely trying to return to normal. So Johnnie up first thing, breakfast at McDonald's, drop him off at school. Later on there is a HIMP (High Impact Management) check-in and we will be asked about things to be thankful for. And to me, today, NOW, the mundane tasks I just mentioned is definitely something to be thankful for. As was doing my IS Team Meeting from the comfort of my own couch and getting my MAC to work to do it. By the time I finished my second team meeting with the EHR Team, it was 11:30. And all seemed to be rolling along. We like that. We like that just fine.

I also spent some time doing affirmations and doing my internals, today boiled down to a combination of morphic fields, and YouTube videos that help remind myself of the nature of reality. The idea that kept resonating and repeating itself was that there are many versions of myself in many parallel universes and meta verses and that the key to getting the outcome that I want is not to try to manifest from what is 3D reality, but to do so from other realities where that outcome is already taking place. Kind of like reality is just an infinite number of polaroid pictures stacked up and therefore, I have to find the the timeline I want and shift to that simply with intention. Is it that easy? Well, we all get started with the 3D reality and most never leave it. The key is to focus and align the subconscious with the conscious. As above, so below. And never let the perception of the 3D senses control that focus. Root out the fear, the anger, the anxiety. On that end, I sort of got led to watch the movie EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE which is about a couple weaving through various iterations of themselves in parallel universes so they could save the world of one of them in another universe. Interesting I get led to that huh? Before long it was already time to get Johnnie. And today I waited until well past 5 PM so I could let him play basketball. No Spanish class today you see. He would tell me later on that a 3rd grader told him he didn't like him and that he was too small so he didn't pass him the ball. Ahh kids. Fortunately, Johnnie did tell the coach in charge and the other kid got a timeout. Kids can be so cruel. I am not naive to think I can shield Johnnie from such things all of his childhood. What I can do is to prepare him mentally and emotionally to be strong. And to monitor how he feel about such interactions. Everything is about self-confidence. Johnnie is already that. Until he's not because of - once again - focus. Same lessons as me today. I must get him to focus that he IS ENOUGH. He will always be enough. And when he gets doubted, like by that other kid, it is merely an opportunity to prove the doubters wrong. Actually it didn't seem to affect him to much. That's because he came home with a coveted Pokemon card. Look at him in the picture. And then came pizza night. Regular one for Johnnie, cauliflower crust for me. Lisa came from Pasadena tonight and came around 7:30 PM. I was already almost done with my steps by that time. And the hand-off was a non-event. Interesting day even as uneventful as it was. I should have had an early evening. But I didn't. Because all of a sudden I started doing my content for the 2nd part of the webinar. And kept going and going. When I looked up, it was 2:30 in the morning!

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