Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday Tweak And a Whole Bunch of Reminders

It may be Friday today, but it strangely feels like a Thursday. That's because I woke up first thing as usual trying to lock in a golf tee time and woke up to Johnnie snoring in the next room. Oh that's right, he spent the night and I'm dropping him off at school this morning because Lisa is at the CDA. Funny I still have a memory of carrying Johnnie on my shoulders to the CDA conference area and walking a half a mile to do so from some far-off parking place. The things I would do just to spend time together back in the day <sigh> And then of course today is also USC's Commencement which used to be a huge tmiemarker for me also back in the day. But it's been nearly a decade since USC had some significance in my day-to-day awareness. Today, it's just another Friday. And the only marked difference was that Brooklyn's grandmother was surprised to see me drop Johnnie off as it is usually that does so on a Friday. If it were a normal Friday I'd be taking in Claire, maybe going for a walk to ramp up my steps and then doing some meditation first thing. I did get my meditation done, so much easier now that I've created my own affirmations. I note tnat there are some energies that come up, no doubt because I am trying to create new impressions in my subconscious. Usually I wouldn't be thinking much about work on a Friday but there are many things going on. I have to finish my Tech Council presentation, finalize my webinar presentation and then I kept getting pings all day long about other projects. Gotta update the COVID vaccines inventory in the government site. Gotta help Shilpa with some new data request. I try to separate myself from the ego reactions that I notice from these pings. And I remind myself the true solution is to simply not have to work anymore. But then again I checked my 401K balances and I realize that they are reflecting a huge downturn in the stock market. And so I have to remind myself not to react so much and not to be fixated on what IS, rather to focus instead on what I desire to experience and my desired outcomes. Working on my own stuff without having to 'report' to anybody is still the goal. Having enough money to do that indefinitely is still the desired outcome. I came upon a video from the WallStreet Trapper to remind me what rich people do: THEY STOP TRADING TIME FOR MONEY, THEY FIND WAYS TO MAKE THEIR MONEY WORK FOR THEM, THEY FIND WAYS TO CREATE VALUE. That is my focus now.
And so just like that the day went by quickly and I didn't really feel like I got anything done. I again remind myself that it isn't about ACTION. Not just any action anyway. It's about focusing in a laser-like way on my outcomes so  that the actions end up dictating themselves. THAT is the work that needs to happen doesn't it. I have seen myself get too fixated on a prostate condition that I managed to turn it something worse this week, before I successfully undid it. I need to tap in to the vortex of data and information all around me, which tells me what to do and how to do it. And I know I can't do that when I'm fixated on negative stuff. Health stuff, the stock market. Mostly negative things really. I accept what is, thank the Universe that I am still taken care of no matter what. And then gently transsurf to the different reality. That is my work now. All that stuff came in the middle of a half hour afternoon nap. And then it was already time to pick up Johnnie from school. Ms Jenifer told me he got into some kind of altercation today. He was trying to stick up for a friend. And I'm glad really. As long as he didn't start anything or strike anyone. As long as all he did was to try and defend himself. And I'm glad he did. Although, he had so much energy this evening, I made him take a 20-minute karate class online. That's when Lisa called. She was already close to home and able to pick up Johnnie. I'm not going to lie, I was glad for that too. I know I needed some time to recharge myself. STILL. I know all this internal work takes a LOT of energy. And so I was glad Lisa came to pick him up. I even made her my tuna sandwich special. I did it for me for tomorrow. But since Lisa doesn't do a good job of taking care of herself, I guess I'll make it for her now. Fresh ahi tuna just out of the even, and flaked to make tuna salad with plant-based mayo and real celery. I'll match that with any restaurants! And the tuna only cost me $5. After handing Johnnie off I walked around my neighborhood again remembering this used to be my Friday night routine a few years ago when I first moved here. Full moon in the horizon too. It was a nice, warm night. Today's time marker means summer is just around the corner. And I'm happy about that.

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