Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day

Ahh Memorial Day, the timemarker for the start of summer. I remember I used to have these rituals to commemorate that time marker. One of them was watching the movie Indian Summer. Then going to some carnival. Or watching a blockbuster movie. At least I got to that last part when I saw Top Gun yesterday at the movie theater. What I did not do however was clean up my apartment. And only when I got a call from Fed in the Philippines asking if Sofia could stay with me for a night on her way to Vancouver some time in January did I think I actually do have to keep my apartment clean don't I? Funny how that gave some sense of urgency although it is still so many months away. But I didn't clean my apartment yet, at least not right away. After all Memorial Day or not it still IS Monday and I still do have Monday routines. First was meditation for the week. Should be a fairly easy week since it IS a short one. Still lots of stuff going on but not with the urgency of the last couple of weeks with the NACHC webinar.  And then of course I still want to keep on track for 15,000 steps today which meant I had to get a third of that done by mid-morning.  Although I got a later-than-usual start, I still managed to get to 5000 steps and 40 active minutes by 10 AM. AND you can see from the picture I actually stopped at Mar Vista Park to do some pull ups. And while there, I threw in 26 push-ups too without resting. I'd say I got a nice workout in. So nice that I spent the rest of the morning resting on the couch LOL. And finally, while I noticed my attention was flitting back and forth between YouTube videos, my journal, other stuff on the web, AND about how dirty my apartment was, I at least got to the robot vacuum and turned it loose in the living room. Thank God for this thing! By lunchtime I had actually cleaned the living room. I'm still IFFY about getting to the rest of the apartment this afternoon. I guess it depends when I have to get Johnnie though I'm pretty sure they are over at Lisa's parents house in Sierra Madre. Still I held the thought that I at least DO NOT HAVE TO WORK TODAY. Nor do I even have to think about work. And that, by itself, is already something I am really grateful for. Oh and the fact that I could still do 10 pushups at my age is notable to me, though that bar is low - no pun intended. I actually NEED to focus on getting my muscle mass up now that my skin is noticeably looser where I used to have more weight. For lunch I had the rest of the ahi tuna salad from Friday and also some yellow lentil soup. I am determined to get back to vegan/pescaterian eating since I fell all the way off the horse yesterday. I was also grateful that I rearranged Johnnie's wall pictures and now they are much neater and arranged much better. In doing this, I had to throw out a lot of the pictures he had hung up in the past couple of years. They sort of signify what Johnnie was interested in at the time. A year ago, he was into the Wild Kratts. He had a lot of dinosaur drawings up too. And his other drawings were very much rudimentary. Those came down and were replaced. Now he has a drawing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, other art material that looks much better than his earlier work. The evolution of the artist such as it were LOL. I wasn't done there either. I also got rid of some of the clutter in the living room. That cardboard doghouse? Gone. No longer needed. Those toys Lisa palmed off to me simply  because she didn't want to see them in her house? Gone. I took them back to her house. Incredible that she doesn't think living in a 1 BR apartment would mean significantly less space LOL LOL. By mid-afternoon, I had gotten to the bedroom and used the robot cleaner to do that. AND did the bathroom floor as well, including mopping it. Only when I finished making myself dinner did I get around to the kitchen. Which left the shower. When I got a call that Johnnie wouldn't be by for an hour yet, I finished cleaning the shower AND got a shower in too. It felt good to clean the apartment. Let's see how long it stays that way. So Lisa dropped Johnnie off at 8 PM. By then I had finished 15,000 steps and 150 active minutes. Just a usual Monday. Long weekend is over. Memorial Day was quiet for me but considering the last couple of days, quiet was good. Cleaning the apartment was good. Let summer begin!

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