Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The Open House

So tonight is also Open House Night at Mar Vista Elementary. And I had looked forward to seeing Johnnie's classroom again and look at all the stuff they work on. I walked to the school thinking we were meeting up with Lisa and having dinner afterwards and so I figured I'd get my steps in too. First things first, I finally sat with Jennifer at STAR so I could sign Johnnie up for basketball starting tomorrow. That got done. And then Johnnie and I waited for Lisa at the front of the school. 5:15 and no Lisa. Brooklyn and fam had already gone in and out by then. 5:20 I left Lisa a message and a text. 5:30 I decided not to wait anymore and Johnnie and I headed in. Johnnie started to give ME the tour which was when Lisa finally texted back asking if she was picking me up at my apartment. WTF?? Did she forget I told her I was going to walk? It was nearly 5:40 PM when she finally got there and she looked like she was about to blow her top at me. Until she realized that she forgot about me walking here. Is it any different than when she calls me to pick up Johnnie and then proceeds on to her house without him? I'm not going to make a big deal about it. At least she got there. And Johnnie became much more animated about showing off his stuff. I can't believe how much they do honestly. There's so much art! Johnnie had a transporter drawing made from pastels outside the room. Another one of a depiction of STARRY NIGHT from Van Gogh. And some motivational quotes. There was some writing on Frida Kahlo and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Nope we are not in backwards-ass Florida folks. It makes me feel even more certain that we picked the right school for Johnnie. He is more than simply thriving, he's doing extremely well. And when we chatted with his teacher Ms Hwang she mentioned that she had noticed him all the way back from TK when she would go to Ms Gee's class all the time. She mentioned that Johnnie was one of her strongest readers <a big shout out to Lisa for that>. And I already know he knows his Math stuff too. All in all it was a very cool Open House. And then we went to dinner. interrupted only by Lisa choosing to talk on the phone with one of her specialists about a problematic patient Johnnie and I didn't need to be a part of it. We went down to the restaurant on Sawtelle Daikokuya. Yep, more Japanese food for me. More sashimi. I will be all sashimi'd out by the end of the day. But it turned out Johnnie actually ate all the ramen we ordered for him. And Lisa and I ate up all our food. Could it be we actually found another restaurant we could enjoy as a family? And so with that Lisa dropped us off and finally the long day was over. But it was a pretty satisfying day all around. I'll take one of those every time.

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