Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Lots of Energy On The First Day Of the Month

I had a lot of energy to start the day. Maybe it's because I had really good sleep for the 3rd day in a row. And I found myself doing LOTS of things I don't usually do today. I noticed I was more engaged than usual at the weekly morning HIMP (High Impact Management Program) call. I mean I'm not shy by any means when it came to sharing but it even felt like I had a lot to say this morning LOL. And then when we were talking about leaving THANK YOU notes for people I was inspired to drive down to the FRB this morning to leave one for Larry. Anonymously. Somewhat of a social experiment to see how he would react later LOL. I thought that I had a half hour between meetings - the HIMP meeting and the Data Team Meeting at 10:30 and so I decided to see if I could get down there in less than a half hour. I even took 5 minutes to walk Claire to let her poop and pee before I took off. And guess what? I got there with 5 minutes to spare! I even got to do Sheng's 90-day review in person! Doing that, leaving the card for Larry and doing my meeting it was already mission accomplished. But since I was already at the FRB, and the FRB having a very nice weight room, I decided to do some resistance training: a bunch of sets on the free weights and the pull down rope. And so I got a pretty nice workout in too. AND since I was already downtown, I decided to hang around and have lunch down there. I mean when was the last time I had lunch at Panini Grill? Used to be one of the go-to lunch places. And so it was that today, I had some nice salmon kabobs and a salad and an iced tea. Came with a whole ton of rice too but I didn't eat that part. And so I had a good meal and then I took a nostalgic look at Grand and 9th. How many times did I used to walk this intersection for the past 8 years? I noticed how warm it had gotten too. It's the first day of June and we're still at that time gap between the USC graduation and the UCLA graduation. THe cusp of summer. I walked by Grand Hope Park back to the FRB parking lot. Everything had a nostalgic look and feel. But let me be clear: I have no intention of ever going back to the office for more than a day or so. Just like today. I'm merely visiting. And doing some time travelling :) 
I didn't go all the way back home yet either. I made a pit stop at the Century City mall. I noticed at the gym I was down below 160 lbs. I hadn't been at that weight in more than 20 years I don't think. My pants are all falling off me, even the ones I just got. I had to get another pair of shorts at 32" waistline. And since I was at Century City anyway, then I made a stop at Sprouts Westwood to augment keto/paleo foods for the rest of the week. When I got home it was already 2:30. I had HAD a pretty productive and active day. So much so I was already at 8000 steps. No problem getting to 11000 today at all. Finally I could relax. I sat back on the couch and watched Episode 3 of KENOBI. This one featured a rematch between Obi-wan and Darth Vader. Of course Darth Vader would be more powerful but he didn't win either. Obi-wan had help of course so he was able to get away. This time. You know this won't be the last confrontation in THIS series. I can not wait! I had one last meeting today, and that would be the HIT Roundtable Chair call. I had lots of energy for that one too. So much so the meeting went all the way to 5 PM! Usually it doesn't even last a half hour. But I was in no rush anyway. That's because we were supposed to go to Lisa's office for what is now Wednesday night dinner ritual. And I KNEW, just like last week, that we would have to wait for her. I was not wrong. Last week we waited until well past 6 PM. Tonight, we waited until sell past 6:30! I mean I know she's busy and I respect that and by no means am I saying she should just drop what she's doing so she could hang out with us. What I'm saying is why have dinner together at all? Wouldn't she be best served doing her thing at work then coming home to play piano or something? I mean she IS seeing Johnnie tomorrow and then the entire weekend right? Why make me waste an hour and a half of MY time? Fucking narcissist. Johnnie was so bored he reverted to doing his old tickle-me-with-his-head-under-my-chin thing.  That is the pic on the post. I shrugged off the familiar feelings of frustration and irritation and by 6:45 I simply decided Johnnie and I would walk towards Panda Express and the ramen place Daikokuya next door. Lisa can join us when or IF she can. I mean Johnnie and I were BOTH hungry. As it turned out, we hadn't even ordered yet when she did decide to show up. And we ended up having ramen for Johnnie and some karaage fried chicken, we had sashimi for Lisa and I and ribeye salad. yep ribeye. MInd you I had had a big meal at lunch already. And now I had a bigger meal because of course Johnnie would only eat 1 piece of the karaage. I had to eat 3 pieces of chicken. And then there was the ribeye. Couldn't not eat that. First time I've had beef in months! I figured it wouldn't be THAT harmful could it? I'll go back to vegan-ish eating tomorrow. And so we did salvage the dinner and then Johnnie and I came home before 7:30 PM. Back to Pokemon episodes for Johnnie, back to regular Wednesday night routine. But boy, it was some Wednesday today for me wasn't it?!

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