Tuesday, March 1, 2022

What is Routine Tuesday

It is Tuesday and the first day of the brand new month of March. Wouldn't it be great if I could find myself with $1Million already in my checking account at the end of the month? Not my retirement account mind you, my checking account. And that means FOR SURE I can retire. To that end, I spent a lot of the day doing image cycling with my desired outcomes, including creating enough passive income - presumably with that $1M - to match the income I'm bringing in now. See the pic I posted? That's me doing image cycling, doing tapping exercises, doing frequency immersions so I could hold my desired outcomes in my consciousness and let them drift into my other-than-conscious self.  I do that and also release the blocks to those outcomes and voila. THAT is the formula. Easier said than done though.  Routine on that Tuesday which included all those energetic exercises means that I need to incorporate them into a daily practice. I need to forgive myself that I have not been consistent enough in the past in order to get them done. Which is why I believe I keep slipping back to old norms, old habits, old programs that simply aren't going to get me what I really want. Still with the dawn of this brand new month, I can still choose to be grateful for the things that I do have and the things that I do experience. I still get to work from home despite the FRB now letting us all back in to the office. I know it's only been 2 years, but now that we have gotten it to work I don't see me changing that status quo. And really the job I see myself as my primary occupation is that of Johnnie's dad. And I get to do that. Dropped him off at school this morning, Chased Brooklyn who had gotten there before us for the first time in a while. And then went on home to do my thing. Today that's to get my presentation for the FRB Town Hall together. It feels like I'm in a Town Hall every week! And then of course I had to do a middle-of-the afternoon walk around my neighborhood, especially since it's nice and warm out.  I got to 7000 steps before it was time to pick up Johnnie at school. What I did forget was to book his Spanish class for today. Ooops. We'll have to do that tomorrow. In the meantime, today was the start of basketball after school for him and true enough when I picked him up, even his mask was so dirty I had to throw them out right then and there. Still, what counts was that he had fun and he hung out with his friends. There seems to be a focus on collecting Pokemon cards with he and the kids he hangs with. And that's ok I think. We went to Panda Express Westwood after school just so we could sit in inside again. So far so good with LA County and ?COVID numbers. I think the County might even lift all mask mandates, at least with vaccinated people, as early as next week. Wow. It had only been 2 years. 2 VERY LONG years. In the meantime, I posted a clip of Johnnie running around in the house. As in sprinting more like, not just running. The kid IS fast I'll give him that. This is no longer the infant that we got that we thought might have medical issues from the get-go. He is no longer the smallest kid in his class either. He has come along just fine physically. And that is all a parent could wish for. In other news around the world, Russia is still bullying its way through Ukraine acting like a jilted lover that simply can't let go of an old girlfriend so he's forcing his way in her life. I don't know how Putin managed to convince his people that what he's doing is a good thing and the right thing. But then again how did Hitler? Hell how did Trump manage to convince his supporters that he is the best thing ever and that only he can fix the problems of the country? how did he manage to bamboozle his most ardent supporters that 700,000+ dead on his watch due to his abject incompetence was somehow still not his fault? I sent quiet thoughts of peace to the conflict in Ukraine and those affected. Does it have any effect at all? That we will have to see. But here on a very local level, it is still merely a quiet Tuesday night of Action Pack Heroes for Johnnie <his new show he is into these days>... ok maybe not so quiet if he's trying to act out their super deeds on my couch... no wonder he's sprinting up and down the living room. A quiet night of getting to 11,000 steps for me AND getting to 214 active minutes already. That in only TWO DAYS! Cookies and milk and fizzy lemon water for me. I noted that I haven't had good sleep in the last few days which is directly opposite from last week when I had great sleep every single day of the week. Must be stuff under the surface causing tension. I have been dreaming a lot of late.  Last night's dream apparently having to do with the conflict in Ukraine though i can't really remember  the specifics of my dream. And that is ok. All is ok.

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