Monday, February 28, 2022

Manifesting Calm and Ease

Today is the last day of February, and a Monday the first day of a new work week to boot. I am getting increased awareness that I am getting distracted way too much and getting pulled from things I need to focus on. And in order to pull myself back to center I did more meditation, more frequencies (alpha) and more affirmations on stuff I thought had worked in the past. And I started all this when I woke up at 6 AM in the morning this morning. I reinforced whatever I could about using thoughts and vibraion and energy rather than using direct action. I reminded myself that I know action is necessary, but it has to be preceeded by focus and clarity first. This morning I meditated on experiencing a balanced, harmonious week ahead where the outcomes I want come to me with ease and that are in my favor. I know this has already started to work as I saw my resting heart rate go down to 68 this morning. It has not been that low since October of last year and before that, about a year ago already. Maybe it's just a pattern but that let's me know I am having less anxious thoughts which is always a good thing. I also headed out and did my morning walk first thing and I noticed it wasn't as cold out this morning. That's always a good thing. It's probably going to warm up for the next couple of days. I did a new route this morning, walking down Federal and then looping back which gave me a quick 2400 steps. Now I know which route to do if I want to walk a quick mile. Before 8:30 AM I had done 5000 steps to the tune of 44 active minutes, I had eaten breakfast AND I had taken a shower. See? Eezy peezy. Then and only then did I start on work stuff. It IS Monday of payroll week after all so I had to make sure all my tmecards were approved. It is also HRSA survey report week, which means I had to update all my COVID dashboards. I spent the morning building my databases. And then I took a break and walked to Marie Callenders to pick up a tuna melt for my lunch. Ate it right by the fountain enjoying a nice, beautiful day that had warmed up considerably by then. As in it was easily in the mid-70s. In keeping myself aware of the inner tug of war going on, I did all my work stuff AND was fully aware a couple of spirituality-energy based events were going on online. The Shift Network had its HEALING SUMMIT going on and I did watch a couple of presentations. The TAPPING WORLD SUMMIT was going on as well, and both had plenty of material I wanted to watch. But in the end, I focused on image cycling and I knew full well I had not done that correctly, at least to the point were I could be getting consistent results. Thank God I had run into a presentation by Dr David Snyder who was an NLP expert, but who swore by the Image Cycling Process for manifestation and energy work. He is how I found out about the Bengston stuff anyway. And so it was that I actually had a pretty EASY afternoon, just like I imagined. With all the prep work done in the morning, it took a half hour to do the HRSA survey, where it once took up an entire afternoon to complete. And by 5 PM I had already done 13000 steps and more than 120 active minutes. I could have stopped then actually. And I felt really good. By then I had also walked to El Pollo Loco and gotten my dinner early using a $6 coupon to get a chicken tostada salad. Why wait to pick up Johnnie before I got MY dinner? Turns out I'm glad I did. Because when I picked up Johnnie at 6:30, they were barely sitting down to eat. Lisa offered me some steak and spinach that she had cooked up. Pretty good too. I mean this was the first time I am seeing her eat red meat in a while.  And I was grateful she offered me some. This whole week was a fun day at school for Johnnie. Today was crazy socks day, and the rest of the week had different themes going on as well. By 7:15 PM, dad and son were at home on the couch chillin', symbolized by Johnnie's crazy socks next to my torn up jeans. Just easy relaxin'. I woke up focused on manifesting calm and relative ease today. And wouldn't you know I got just that. Pretty damn good.

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