Monday, March 21, 2022

Golf Sunday with Twists

So today is a normal golf Sunday except... it's also LA Marathon Day, which really didn't mean much now that I had discovered a freeway route to Roosevelt Golf Course. I thought about how last week was significant from a timemarker standpoint because it marked 2 years that we had been sent home due to the COVID pandemic. LA Marathon Sunday was a significant timemarker too. All those years ago in 2006, when Lisa and I ran the marathon for the first time together, I considered it the day we actually DID get together as a couple. That was 16 years ago if you can believe it :) And finally, today is Spring Equinox. It is the FIRST DAY OF SPRING! Yay! Winter is officially over! And we can look forward to plants and flowers blooming again. Today, I grabbed my sweet vegetable juice from Whole Foods and headed out to the course. No problems at all getting there. In fact, Scott was already there by 8:30 AM. And we were able to tee off 10 minutes early. We were paired with a couple of guys we had played with before so that was pretty cool. I remembered doing visualizations last night about having a nice game today. After all, the last time we played here I hit 6 bogeys. Then again, the last time we played here at Roosevelt was that day I had the blood-in-the-urine thing right on the course. I think I'm pretty much recovered from that though. And I note that my blood sugar and my blood pressure seems to have stabilized too. And my resting heart rate was all the way back down to 68 this morning. Cool! I guess we continue with the new eating patterns for a while. 
As far as the golf, the visualization must not have stuck much. A couple of whiffs in the sand trap right on the first hole sort of ruined my par. And although I didn't have a blow-up hole on the next 2 holes, I might as well have. I get that visualization and image cycling works. But consistency is also the key. And I know I simply need to have a different energy in the moment. As in in the moment I hit the ball. To KNOW I'm going to hit it square and it's going to go far. I did that on Hole 4 finally, swatting a good tee shot. Actually I did it the rest of the game at least from the tee box. Hole 4 produced a bogey, so did Hole 5 and I was on in 3 on Hole 6 but whiffed my putts. Same on the rest of the holes actually. I got to the vicinity of the holes, but I didn't exactly get in the right mindset and focus when hitting my chips from the fairway. Ah oh well. At least it turned out to be a nice, brisk, beautiful Sunday. Another one anyway. And by the time we got done, by 11:20 by the way, it had gotten significantly warmer. Usually I would stop and get Mediterranean food, or perhaps IN-N-Out. But with my new eating habits locked in, todays lunch was a shrimp salad augmented with some daal that I bought yesterday. And it was plenty filling. Usually I start post-golf with a nap. But I had some pretty good sleep last night and with a lot less heavy eating, I was not tired. I do remember getting up a few times last night to pee. And I remember nothing much came out. Hey better than blood right? But then again I've been doing the Healy stuff on my bladder and prostate meridians so it might simply be healing. I do know I still feel urinary urgency so work to be done still. I did find this video about how prostrate enlarges because of a hormonal imbalance. Estrogen. Hmmm. Interesting. You know I have a strong belief that everything is based on an imbalance of something. The hormone imbalance would make sense actually. And so there can be some supplement I can take too that would help alleviate that. I didn't really do much for the rest of the day. I noted that last week was Tech Council week and turned out to be really eezy-peezy. And then somehow a CT-scan didn't happen. I will take that to mean that it was not necessary and I am totally ok with that. For dinner tonight I did some vegetable stir-frying. Green pepper, cabbage, onion, tomatoes and I was pretty filled afterwards too. Put in a couple of pieces of smoked salmon for protein. And then watched some March Madness to round out Sunday. All good.

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