Monday, March 28, 2022

Rainy Days and Mondays

Today turned out to be a Monday and a rainy day at that. I'm not going to complain considering the drought conditions the state of California seems to be in. Besides, it's early spring and not even April yet. We're supposed to experience a shower or two before it starts getting warmer. And so this morning I got up and did my walk anyway, rain notwithstanding. What's a little water anyway? I did the route I did last week, which was to walk to Whole Foods, and then walk home the other direction to circle back. And so not only did I get a nice walk in the rain <and really it wasn't like it was raining hard too>, I got my steps in AND got my celery/apple/carrot juice breakfast as well. And when I checked my Fitbit, I noticed my resting heart rate was at 66! I mean talk about excellent metrics since I started this juice thing. I don't think I have ever recorded it that low. Just goes right in with the B/P readings that were low as well. Whatever I'm doing I guess I simply need to continue doing them. Also a great thing is that since I got such an early jump on the HRSA report that I usually spend every other Monday doing and the payroll as well, I got both completed by 9:30. Wow. Most of my work and 5000 steps done even before 10 AM! What to do with my morning? Suddenly I had to urge to give myself a haircut. Yep, my hair is starting to look a little scraggly. Why not fix it myself right now while I am in the mood to do it? Of course it's going to have some uneven edges. I'm not a pro you know. But after I shaved down, it looked far less scarggly than before. Then and ONLY THEN did I get in the shower and wash off the grime of the weekend.  I actually felt like I got a ton accomplished today already. And so when Lisa gave me a call asking if I could come over to watch Johnnie since she had a doctor's appointment for 1:30 today, I was happy to do so. We even talked about lunch although her idea was still really just berries and peanuts. And for once, that would have been ok with me since I don't eat my usual meat and/or junk that I am now off of. Still I did have my salmon salad lunch just so I'm not starving when I get over there. I packed up my computer and basically we all simply sat down for tea. Green tea that is and that was just fine with me already.
Now what to do with Johnnie for the rest of this rainy day? I could let him play inside. But why not simply let him watch Dragon Rescue Riders until Lisa got back? Seemed like a much simpler mode of activity. And actually, mom and son didn't really have breakfast until 11 AM. That's Lisa just being Lisa. She didn't need lunch. For Johnnie however, I made sure he didn't skip it. I made him a bowl of pasta and red sauce and he ate the entire bowl. This makes sure he has at least one really good meal for the day. After all, I don't know what Lisa intended to do for dinner either. I know she has a soccer game early. And she talked about her dad coming over. She wanted to bring Johnnie and so I went home at 4:30 PM and got him his raincoat. No sense getting all wet if he's going out there. And that was around the time Lisa got back from her appointment. When I headed back I had it in my head that since I was going to bake the tilapia I had in my fridge for my dinner tonight. I thought perhaps she would also maybe eat the pea/lentils Indian food I was going to supplement it with. And for good measure I went to Whole Foods to get some cabbage and red onion. Yes my intention was to make dinner for the both of us. When I got back to Lisa's I was told her parents weren't coming after all. So the coast was already clear. Johnnie had already made avocado turkey sandwiches <bless that little kid's heart you know?!> and Lisa had made her own red cabbage and onion and was in the middle of baking chicken strips. Oh well, I figured she'd just let me put my fish in the oven AND heat up my lentils so I could join them for dinner.  Wouldn't you know I didn't use a cover in my lentils in the microwave and it exploded all over the microwave.  All I could was apologize. All she could do was tell me to walk away and cleaned it herself.  This is what happens usually with some extended time spent with Lisa. Something always goes awry and I feel like I wasn't perfect enough. THAT is the crux of the continuing learning lesson that is a Lisa interaction.  Yes I KNOW I am going to feel very much restricted and under her rules and judgement. But then THAT is why we're not together and I have my own place now don't I? And nights like tonight I am very much relieved that THAT is the case. I can only think of what that stuff does to my inner sanctum, my emotional well-being. And so I let Johnnie go with her while I took Claire home. Even talking about summer plans and money in our joint account had a negative feeling behind it with me. I'm sure it's just old patterns. I'm sure I'm going to need to work to release them. And it's all about control isn't it? And so It was that I would pick up Johnnie at the soccer field and when we got to my apartment BOTH of us exclaimed "HOME SWEET APARTMENT!" Amen to that.  It was close to 8 PM already by this time. Close to milk time for Johnie and then bed time. And I followed shortly thereafter after doing my HEALY PURE routine.  A lot more to clean up today than yesterday I think. But I'm all good. We're all good.

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