Thursday, March 31, 2022

Last Day Of March

THE DREAM I had a dream last night and I can't say it made me feel good. I dreamed I let Claire the dog loose in some bathroom and she kept running at full speed from one wall to the other. So much so she smacked into the wall the first time. And the second time she smacked into the wall again and this time she went down. As in I thought she was dead. I went out looking for Lisa to let her know. I mean it wasn't my fault was it? And minutes later she was actually alive. Hurt and dazed and confused. But at least alive. I definitely want to know what this dream meant. Something in my care gets destroyed? Couldn't be Johnnie could it? But somehow it still made it alive? In bad shape but somehow alive? So i know in this dream the dog is out of control. Is there a part of me that is out of control and that is now dead? Could it be the lifestyle that has fed into dis-ease? And now it may not be totally dead so I must still remain vigilant? That's as good an explanation as any isn't it?

In the meantime now that Thursday mornings are actually my busiest time of the week since I have all these meetings, we add the OCHIN Quarterly Meeting to this week's lineup. Lineup already included the IS Team Meeting, my one-on-one with my boss Dennis, the EHR Team Meeting. And so I actually had a full morning. I didn't even have time to take Claire out for her usual 10 AM morning walk. And so in short order, I finished my meetings, took the dog out to do her thing, had me my lentil lunch paired with a nice piece of salmon. I'm feeling good about how healthy that is actually. And then settled back to watch this week's episode of Picard SE02E05. This week we find that Picard has found the Watcher who is tasked with one purpose: to keep one thread of life safe. And that would be Renee Picard, Capt Picard's great great aunt or something like that. Isn't it funny how one change in one timeline to one life changes everything. Talk about a butterfly effect. Which is why no matter what I am still grateful for my time with Lisa. After all, without her push would I have been able to get to have a son like Johnnie on my own, or with another? Perhaps. But not likely. I thought about that as I picked him up from school today. My generally happy son who I would love nothing more than to keep talking about dragons and other mythical creatures. I would have loved to have those kinds of creative juices cultivated in me when I was his age. Still, I was also focused on making sure he works on his weaknesses today, which is his actual penmanship and also his 2nd grade math. I know I know, he's ahead. I want to keep him that way. Today in the writing exercises I gave him, all he could write about was ME. How bossy I was just then. How I keep laughing at him for getting him. I promised him a surprise. Never could he have guessed it was the writing exercise LOL LOL LOL. That absolutely made my day. And that was all before his Spanish lesson too. Today he learned about fruits. Got about 13 or 14 of them under his belt. Then and only then did he get his Panda Express dinner. It was only 5:30 but I knew Lisa would call early tonight. She had the day off but spent the afternoon at her piano lesson in Pasadena. Her call came at 6 PM actually. It came with the requisite update of not-so-positive news coming about her office. This time it's her dentist giving her notice. Is that really bad news? I am trying so hard not to get emotionally sucked in. All I can do is listen to vent WITHOUT letting it affect MY OWN emotional state. 
As it was I dropped Johnnie and Claire off around 6:45 PM. Plenty of time for me to go home for ME TIME. All that means is getting my Healy session done earlier than usual actually. And simply watching some more TV. Today is the last day in March. 1st Quarter all done. How did the first quarter of the year go? I will say that though it looks like same old same old on the outside, (a) it does feel like we're finally moving out of the fear state of the pandemic. Meaning it is feeling more and more like it's back to normal. (b) I am feeling more grounded to the right path and I am seeing more and more manifestation results. And that is VERY GOOD.

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