Monday, March 14, 2022

A Calm Monday

 I am trying to recall what I did last night or what I listened to when I went to sleep.  Because when I woke up this morning, I felt extraordinarily refreshed. My Sleep Score was in the mid-70s and my resting heart rate had dropped 3 points from the day before, probably the biggest one day drop I've seen ever. And I didn't have any lingering anxious thoughts in my head either. I remember an A-HA moment from yesterday: In order to RELEASE UNWANTED THOUGHTS, all I have to do is send it back to SOURCE. That is everything: thoughts of dying, thoughts of dis-ease, thoughts that I am un-well, thoughts of lack. And then remember that EVERYTHING GOES IN MY FAVOR. EVERYTHING. I think maybe I had finally found that awareness and the result was the relative calm and peace of this morning. Now to sustain that on a day-by-day basis.  For there are thoughts that are more based on pattern than anything. Anxiety about Tech Council Meeting week. Send those to Source. I mean seriously, even if I were to be let go tomorrow, I have enough in the bank to tide me over for more than a year! And even though i had all these to-do's I needed to get to, I just reminded myself that all those are eezy-peezy going to go in my favor. THAT is most likely why I was so calm first thing. I was energized too. As in I got to my 5000 steps bEFORE 8:30 AM. And I had already logged in 48 active minutes to boot. I just anchored on the thought that this is going to be a GREAT week.  And so I didn't feel like lollygagging. IN short order, I got timecards all done, got my outline for the NAHCH cybersecurity done and sent off, HRSA dashboards updated, took a nice hot shower AND THEN finished my HRSA survey. All before it was even 11:30 WOW! Superstar Superproductive Superhero in the house!! So what does new vegan-eating Superman eat now? I had juice for breakfast. And I thought I needed a little more substance for lunch. Off to Ralphs to pick up some lentil soup and salmon for later on this evening for dinner. 
And then it was back to energy frequency routine and image cycling exercises. And I got started on my presentation for the TEch Council Meeting on Wednesday too and got more than halfway done already. This was while I going back and forth between sitting down and working on thing and then getting up to do my steps. I was already at 11,000+ and 100 active minutes by the time it was 5 PM. And I happily noted that it was still warm and light out. Ahh, Spring is around the corner. And it was still light out when I got to Lisa's house to pick up Johnnie for the week. I note that I hadn't seen him since Friday. It had been a while since I had not seen him for an entire weekend. But the second I got to Lisa's house and went into the kitchen, he jumped into my arms and squealed "DAD!" Can't beat that. I saw Lisa was barely finishing up boiling spaghetti for his dinner. And then I realized Lisa also had a soccer game this evening and she actually didn't have time to sit Johnnie down for dinner. And so she packed up the spaghetti and Trader Joe's pasta sauce so I can feed him at my apartment. Lulu and Roman from next door came over too for a bit, dropping off some food for Lisa. And so it was that it was still light out by the time we got to my house. And it was already close to 7 PM. Johnnie wolfed down his pasta. I, of course, already had salmon I grilled late this afternoon. Came with some yummy green peppers and onions too. And so I had more than a decent and healthy dinner. Johnnie immediately turned on his favorite Dragon Rescue Riders. It's funny that THIS is now his favorite thing. So much so he apparently has formed a club at STAR for those interested in dragons. I can only imagine how he would talk about all the different kinds of dragons too. Far be it from me to do anything that would stifle his big creative mind. Look at the pic I posted of him literally trying to get me to watch his favorite funny scenes with him. And so I had a pretty chill kind of evening to wrap up a VERY productive day. So productive I don't think I need to work much on the Tech Council presentation any more. And I got to bed not too much later than Johnnie as well. A healthy day all around for me.

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