Friday, March 4, 2022

End of the Week

This being a Friday, I am almost on auto-pilot from the minute I wake up. That would be before 6 AM in the morning. I log in to LA City golf to get us a tee time for the Sunday after this one coming up. Then I get a Daily Pass for Johnnie and send to Lisa. Can't believe I've been doing THAT for a year now. Can't believe I've been locking up a Daily Pass for almost TWO years now. Such is my normal on a Friday. Got us one for Harbor Park actually, which is extremely hard to get. As it was, the earliest I got was for 10:30. And that should work out just fine. The new normal includes getting Claire the dog dropped off by Lisa on her way to work <she works on Fridays now> and right after she drops Johnnie off at school. That would be any time after 8 AM. THEN I am able to make myself some breakfast and enjoy my Earl Grey hot tea for the morning. This being a Friday, there really isn't much going on at all EXCEPT for it is the first Friday of the month which means the FRB Birthday celebration is going on ag 2 PM today. Those used to be so much more exciting, but these days even Barbara and Eloisa haven't been attending. Leaves it up to those that attend to crank up whatever energy we can. Anyway, this Friday I wanted to reprise what I did LAST Friday, which was to bring my laundry to Lisa's to do it there. AND THEN to also take a shower while I'm there. I only have a load to do plus towels and so all that is done in a couple of hours. It means having to wipe up Johnnie's shower spotless clean of course. And that means doing the same to the washer when I'm done. But hey, it's a small price to pay since it DOES feel different taking a shower there. As in I feel cleaner but then my skin feels much drier. I don't know why that is. And this way I don't have to use MY washer which I'm afraid the SPIN cycle may not be working properly. This way my laundry chore for the weekend is already done. And all before 11 AM in the morning. Sort of my accomplishment goal for the day such as it were LOL LOL. And I hadn't even had lunch yet. I also watched an episode of my new binge-watch show for the weekend, which is Ozark with Jason Bateman on Netflix.  By noon I had made myself some spaghetti and cooked up the rest of the Italian sausage. And OBTW did I mention it was payday Friday today? I FEEL FANTASTIC that I have almost $90K in savings. That's up to a year or even more I don't have to worry about money and maintain my current lifestyle should I stop working. That's also 10% down on real estate that would be worth $900K. I remember the first time we talked about buying a house with Sam. We said we were looking for something in the $800K range. Boy, now I can handle that all by myself! Feels really good.  
Anyway with that I hopped on the call for the FRB Birthday party and there were only 24 people on. Heck I had to ping MY OWN TEAM to get on. I felt like I had to provide leadership in the absence of same. That meeting got done inside of 45 minutes and I must laud Greg for at least putting the activity together. Of course I did my share of the winning like I always do LOL. I deemed the work day officially done after this meeting. And the start of my weekend. And then I could focus on the last activity of the day, which was to pick up Johnnie from STAR. The day was windy and cold by late afternoon. It was supposed to rain today even. Made my purchase of a jogger that came today - not that I didn't have enough mind you - pretty timely. Although spring is most definitely around the corner. I note that it was Ash Wednesday this week which marks the beginning of the LENT season. As far as timemarkers go, my mom's birthday is coming up, as is Spring Break for Johnnie and I look forward to the latter actually. More bonding time for me and my son. Look at the pic I took... sort of a ritual that Johnnie and I take a daddy-and-son selfie at some point. I can NEVER havd enough of these. With Lisa working today, I had it in my mind that she was going to stay at her office as late as she can. As in well past 8:30 And so Johnnie and I went to get dinner at Panda Express right after I picked him up. He wanted to eat at the apartment just so he could watch Dragon Rescue riders, his new series of interest. And when I found out it was based on How To Train Your Dragon, I told him we were watching the original movie tomorrow. I let Johnnie watch for as long as he wanted and the surprise was that Lisa called at 8;15 saying she was ready to go home and she was even good to pick up Johnnie and Claire. Works for me. I bundled us up and waited in the Leasing Office parking lot for Lisa to come. And waited. And waited. It was almost 8:45 when she finally came. Apparently she had driven all the way home and forgot to detour to my apartment. This after I told her I could easily drop off Johnnie and Claire. It was SHE that sort of insisted on coming. And then she forgot it almost immediately. Is that Lisa being Lisa or is there something going on with her brain? Tonight I decided I didn't care. I loaded boy and dog and went back to my apartment to keep watching Ozark. AFTER I picked up a couple of tacos from Taco Bell of course. My Friday night fare. And I would binge watch until well past 1 AM in the morning! It's ok. Just Friday routine LOL.

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