Friday, March 11, 2022

Lazy Friday

I really only had Johnnie for about an hour and a half today. That's the time from when I picked him up at STAR to the time I dropped him off at Lisa's house at around 6:30 PM. And that was right after an unexpected call from Lisa to drop him off there because she had Mel and Jacob and Joyanna and their dog <brother of our dog Claire> hanging out and spending the night apparently. Not the first time I have had to change course on a Friday night to accomodate Lisa so it was not a big deal at all. In fact, these days I am simply happy to spend whatever time I can with Johnnie, even if it is something as quick as a pick-up and a drop-off. In that hour and a half though was almost my own Masterclass in epitomizing my own tenet of: an hour of amazing can make up for a week of crap. First off, the second I picked him up he asked where we were going for dinner and before I could answer, he had already volunteered Panda Express, which was just fine with me. Given my new dietary choices these days, I figured I could still avoid red meat and even chicken and get some shrimp.  And there is vegetables in that chow mein isn't there? And so off we went to Sawtelle Panda Express, Johnnie told me all about this dragon club he is creating at school and actually had dragon scales painted on his arms, also very cool. The dirt all over his shorts, not so cool but at least he's going to Lisa's tonight and I won't have to wash them.  Even the drive home from Panda featured a "carpool karaoke" singalong with Bad Habits from Ed Sheeran. And then he did manage to get almost an entire episode of Dragon Rescue Riders before Lisa called and we had to pack up and go. Not before one last picture of my goofy little boy with said dirty shorts on his head. My funny little Johnnie. We beat Lisa and guests to the house actually and when we got there, Lisa was already white flag declaring she was too tired to pick up the Thai food she had just ordered. And so guess who went to pick it up at Ekkamai Thai? Mr. Good Guy Arnel. Hey I figured I owed her one from letting me use her washer and dryer this morning. Yes I asked for permission to do a load at her house and so I brought this week's wash load and towels and did them there. Hey while there, might as well take a shower in Johnnie's bathroom right? I hadn't showered in the last couple of days after all and after golf yesterday, I'm sure I needed it. I did all of that in a couple of hours and was out of Lisa's house even before 11 AM. I figured Claire the dog was probably a little uneasy with all the noise and stuff going on. Lisa had her contractors re-doing the front porch and were obviously doing work on the foundation as well since I could literally feel hammer pounding right under me while I was doing the wash. Good for her that she is doing all this upkeep. I keep shaking my head every time she has this narrative that she has little money. Yet this one upgrade alone is going to cost at least $20K when all is said and done. Which is why I never really take her seriously whenever she talks about not having money. She's just cheap and that is just fine.  After the morning at Lisa's I did have quite a bit to do for work. But I never got to any of them. I did manage to hop on a Zoom call with my DATA and EHR teams trying to work on a problem. But right after that, I got a tuna melt from Bagel Factory and a split pea soup. And I was so hungry from not having anything solid for breakfast that I wolfed the sandwich down in the car while driving home LOL LOL. And then I took a nap and zonked for an hour-and-a-half. And that was that for the day. Because it wasn't long after that that it was already time to get Johnnie. Actually tonight I did spend a few minutes saying hi to Mel and Jacob. I don't think I've seen them since Lisa and I split actually. Certainly in more than 2 years at least. I have always been quietly as distant as possible to Mel because I see her rants on FB and she is about as polar opposite to me in terms of beliefs than anyone. But that doesn't mean we couldn't be friends. There are also similarities. The methods may be different but our intentions are the same I think. In order to save myself some awkwardness, I made up some story about having to go watch Kenobi <which I knew Jacob was a fan of> and so I made my exit quickly. And as it were I did go home and watch the ADAM PROJECT. Another time travel movie. I really get excited about those don't I? And I didn't binge watch anything though I still stayed up until 1 AM. It was a lazy Friday and boy did it go quick...

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