Thursday, March 24, 2022

Another Day At the Office

For the second straight day, I'm up early and headed to the office today, this time at the East Third site. The meeting there this morning was an extension of yesterday's Leadership conference and also was a discussion on Strategic goals. And oh by the way I'm also meeting with the Salesforce folks with Barbara to pick up where THAT project left off, seemingly almost a year ago now LOL. That's how slow we move though and that is ok. Luckily I didn't have to be onsite until 9:30, Eloisa wisely moving the meeting an hour forward since everyone with the notable exception of myself, was at the dinner last night and some alcohol was sure to have flowed LOL. And so at least I wasn't all that rushed this morning. The routine of Johnnie walking in with Bailey and Brooklyn was restored, as was my now regular juice first thing in the morning from Whole Foods. And I even had time to go back home and not have to rush. I ended up spending all morning at the site actually and was busy the entire time. Eloisa's meetings are far more informal than Barbara's and at the end of the day there was lots of discussion but more informational rather than decision-making I thought. The Salesforce meeting went well I thought and at least Barbara's questions were finally answered to her satisfaction and hopefully we could move forward with the project now. And then of course there was Rody asking for data and actually looked like he was waiting for it while I was eating my lunch. For the second straight day I brought myself a salad and I will say I'm pretty used to eating that now. Almost 3 weeks in, I think I'm doing ok. I feel more lean to be sure. Pretty sure my numbers have already improved too. Anyway I went home after lunch and noticed a second straight day of summer-like heat. And I did not mind one bit. 
I had one last meeting this afternoon. Turns out I'm working harder this week than last huh? This one is with my IS Team, and only because I was obviously tied up this morning. Really wasn't much to talk about. Actually hurried me up from watching Picard Season 2 Episode 4. They're stuck in Earth 2024. Not the first time there was a travel-back-in-time thing with Star Trek and Picard in particular. But this episode brought in a young Guinan who did not know Picard just yet. I'm all about the interesting twists. Next up is the Johnnie pick-up and the Spanish class. I had made a stop at Panda Express to get his dinner earlier in the afternoon. Went to Sawtelle, didn't want to wait 15 minutes for the teriyaki chicken, then went to Westwood and got it there. In a universe where there really aren't any coincidences, I wonder what THAT was all about? My patience getting tested yet again? I think I did ok this time. Johnnie did really well with his class, and I think just a couple of more weeks and he will actually start making his own sentences. Tonight I dropped him off at Lisa's right after the class. She had an IV medication session at Cedars-Sinai today and though I couldn't drive her, her mom did come to do that. So she was home early. When we got there she had fish in the oven and soup on the stove. And so I humbly accepted this food which I would have scoffed at not even a month ago but now is more of what I eat these days. I was happy to have dinner with all and then on I went home for an early Thursday evening to myself. I'm starting to get into March Madness again, excited that UCLA made the Sweet Sixteen for the second year in a row. Hopefully they have a shot at the Final Four again. That and getting around to finishing 11,000+ steps concluded the evening. It was a good day for work. And now I look forward to Friday tomorrow.

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