Saturday, March 5, 2022

Uh-OH... Something to be concerned with??

So I went home from dropping Johnnie off and I had to pee. Something was odd. I didn't turn on the lights so I wasn't sure. But when I did what I saw was blood on the toilet seat? WTF? Did that come out of my penis? Was I bleeding? There seemed to be a foreign object in the bottom of toilet too. Did I just ejected something that caused a little bleeding? I wasn't concerned at first because the urine that followed was clear. So I was thinking maybe it was like a scab or something? I didn't give it any more thought until it was time to go to bed and I peed again. And again, there was the same blood that led the urine flow. Clear urine after that though again. Naturally I was concerned. And immediately when I googled blood in urine, what comes up? The very worst possibility: bladder cancer. I laugh now while I'm writing this because I didn't immediately see that that was the least probable cause. Then why did it come up first dammit?

Now I'm anxious and I was tossing and turning all night long. Of course I had to get up and pee and once again there was blood. Not a lot really. And again only when the first second of pee came out. Clear after that.  Now it is not an anomaly. There is a condition going on.  I immediately put some frequency tunes, if only so I could go back to sleep.  Should I play golf tomorrow?

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