Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Quiet For A Wednesday

Used to be that Wednesday would be my busy day, but I looked at my schedule last night and it was empty. As in I only had the one meeting with my Data Team. Of course I did have a couple of calls from a couple of the exec mgmt. Marina of course would be bugging me about some issues with the WELL platform. That's after she had emailed me and I had penned a rather curt and possibly irritated response. That I then discarded. I remind myself to keep my REACTIONS to a minimum. After all, if all I have to do is whatever a problem is all I need to do is direct it to Source and Source takes care of it, what do I care?! And so that's what I did with the Marina phone call. Stopped worrying about it and let the solution present itself. Which it did, right in the phone call. All I have to do is doctor the report that she wants no harm no foul. That done I went out and did something different for lunch. I looked for some place within easy proximity that I can have a fish lunch. Enter Baja California tacos on Venice, not even a mile from my apartment. I had a couple of fish tacos and all I had to do was not eat the taco, just the fish, cabbage, and tomatoes it came with. And then I had fish ceviche too. Really good. REally tart. Excellent to put over a salad. It was an EXCELLENT CHOICE and definitely the PLAY OF THE DAY. And so all done with a great lunch, I did some meditation from Sapien Medicine for the first part of the afternoon. They have such a great catalog of frequency and auditory sessions. And I found it to nicely complement the Healy stuff I've done for the past week or so. I am looking forward to seeing some numbers when I get my blood test done Friday. The bottom line is that my RHR has stayed at 66 for the last 3 days. And more importantly, I've felt a lot better. Leaner. Healthier. A lot more clarity in my thinking. I know I've probably eaten my last IN-N-Out Burger, at least for a while. But in exchange for how I feel today? That's an easy ask. I feel like there is already a story to be told about lifestyle changes to feel better. Something to already share with other folks. Maybe it can help someone else. I realize I'm still in the minority when it comes to beliefs about our energetic bodies and how working on that is actually far more effective than working on our biochemichal body through pharmaceuticals. But maybe I can help move us to critical mass. After all, only a couple of years ago no one was driving electric cars really. Now all I can see on YouTube channels are electric car reviews! BTW Looking forward to driving my TEsla Model Y soon too :) 
I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on steps. Until it was time to pick up Johnnie that is. It is Spanish class day after all. And then pizza night right after that. AND I have a new pizza to try too. A dairy-free, meat-free pizza from Whole Foods. I am looking forward to seeing how this tastes. When I drove up to Johnnie's school, I see him playing soccer with another kid along the fence. I see him having fun. And he reported to me that he actually did eat his banana and his chips for lunch. Not the healthiest choices I will acknowledge. But hey at least he ate SOMETHING. And besides, I'm about to feed him a small pizza aren't I? As far as his Spanish class, he is coming along. Today Hayil his teacher focused on the days of the week and other phrases. I zoned out during the test because  I had to prep his pizza and mine. Like always Johnnie will do fine with a little bit of repetition. And I am not concerned at all with his pace of learning.  I also zoned out because I had to deal with a call from work. This time, Starlette the new Director of Development. I found it funny that 2 people who I roll my eyes on when I hear them talk are people who called me today. It was like I was being tested or something. Marina I roll my eyes simply because she is impatient. And so deadline driven. Starlette I roll my eyes because she simply is new and knows nothing about our operations and talks more than she learns. I'm thinking she is not much into detail but who knows, I may be wrong. Either way, the solution was the same. I hand it over to Source, I smile, and go on with my day. And then watch and smile as Johnnie goes through his Spanish lesson. He's a gamer. Later on, I would do some extra stuff with his writing - he now has to write 4 sentences about his day. If he has a weakness, it is in his writing and so we focus on that specifically. I give him advanced stuff too. Two digit subtraction using borrowing. That's second grade level stuff. And Johnnie is already there. And he makes short work of my excercises too. So tonight Johnnie and Dad enjoy a pizza. He with his Boboli cheese pizza, and me trying this new stuff from Whole Foods. It's like having Beyond meat crumbles on top of the pizza. The dough is supposed to be made from chickpeas, and the cheese is supposed to be a cheese substitute that is non-dairy. All in all it wasn't bad actually. It wasn't as delicious as a real pizza but it will do. Especially when I put pineapple on top of it. I think I like the Boboli cauliflower crust better though. I was plenty full. More than full in fact. I had plenty of food. I might even have felt bloated there for a bit, or maybe that's just because I'm no longer used to ingesting that much food. I worked it off with doing some vigorous steps and noted that I got to 75 steps even before I had 10000 steps logged. As in, I'm already close to 300 steps for the week and it's only Wednesday. I watched some Dragon Rescue Riders with Johnnie too, noting that he had a couple of more new dragons to learn about and put in his catalog. That creative part Johnnie will not have a problem with whatsoever. He's still in bed by 9 PM, I'm doing my Healy session and asleep myself less than an hour later. Still all good. 

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