Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Everything Goes My Way (?)

I only had a couple of things I wanted to focus on today. I wanted to finish my Tech Council presentation for tomorrow. And I had a CT-Scan appointment this afternoon so they can see what's going on in my lower abdomen area, if any. I didn't really make any kind of a big deal about that appointment, only because I really didn't know what a CT-scan entailed to be honest. I thought it was just going to be a long x-ray. It was going to be a long X-ray alright. First of all, I got there early. It took 10 mins to get there and I parked at the lot that had Pavilions and Panda Express since the building was just across the street. All good. Checked in by 12:50. And then 15 minutes later I overheard the front desk girl that "patient is here but we're waiting for the order from Cedars-Sinai urology". Great. They didn't send my order over. And of course everyone is out at lunch. By 1:30, I went up and said I needed to reschedule since I had already been there 45 minutes and hadn't been seen yet. That was when they took me to the other waiting area and I was told just another 10 minutes. It was almost 2:30 when I was finally let in. And when I was asked to lay down, I realized this was NOT an X-ray. it was like a cylindrical MRI machine. And the tech told me she needed to inject me with fluid that would contrast my images and that the whole thing would take 20 minutes. Just great. It was a mini-MRI! She came back 5 minutes later and told me she had no bloodwork on me and so I needed to come back until they did that. Unbelievable. I wasted almost 2 1/2 hours of my day here. I could simply say oh well, "It wasn't meant to be today". But already becoming more and more aware that there are no coincidences, I looked for some synchronicity. I rescheduled for next week and maybe by then they will not find a thing. Or maybe just getting this test was a mistake in the first place. The thing about places like this is that there is an energy of dis-ease and imbalance. And although our great Western technology is awesome and amazing, perhaps there is more to just simply finding ways to stay in balance. What I did realize was that I was hungry. And that was after I had a couple of salmon kabobs for lunch. I went home and put away the other couple of salmon kabobs to be sure. I kind of planned for dinner too and I wanted to make myself some shrimp stir fry. I had not had any carbs all day and I wanted to keep it that way. So much for the CT-scan appointment. The second area of focus, I pretty much got done all through the day. I had already finished most of my Tech Council presentation yesterday. Today was simply to add fillers wherever I could. And also to consolidate for the Communications meeting early in the morning as well.  Picking up Johnnie started the second part of the day. He would always yelp loudly "Dad! Dad!" whenever he got out of the classroom. He was proud that his basketball team won today and that his finger got hurt when he went after the ball. You WILL need to get used to those my son. It will happen a lot. The pictures I posted where more about his day really. Started with school drop-off and Bailey and Brooklyn were there at the same time of course. Then he wanted to play Blokus with me. All this after getting dinner at Panda Express. He was so jolly and joyful and playful the whole time. So much so Claire couldn't be kept in the room. She wanted to join us. Wanted in on all the fun of course. That was the last picture in today's set. Johnnie did watch some more Dragon Rescue Riders and preferred that to another How To Train Your Dragon mini-episode. I think those were more for older kids and young teens I think. No worries. I am in no hurry to have my Little Bug grow up fast. I did make cookies tonight and for me, this was the day I got my HEALY device in the mail. It is the bioresonance device I chose instead of Spooky 2. And I am EXCITED to use it. But not until Johnnie goes to bed. Another toy to play with. So cool...

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