Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Urology Appointment

I didn't account for the Urology appointment I made for this morning at Cedars-Sinai to have my urine-bleed issue examined, at least not when I was meditating about the perfect week yesterday. But in retrospect, if I would have thought about it, I would visualize no bad news, meaning nothing serious and that I am already on the path to healing perfectly. I did account for the usual stuff - dropping Johnnie off at school, seeing Brooklyn and Bailey and watching the kids hop into classroom. Still, I cleared my morning schedule and headed off to my 10:30 Urology appointment right on time. It was in Marina del Rey... I mean who knew Cedars had specialty offices in Marina del Rey? So, it was in familiar ground. And I got there in about 10 minutes no less. It was literally down the block from the Panda Express Johnnie and I used to frequent on Tuesday evenings back in the day. I even knew to park at the Ralphs across the street, a shopping mall that brought up a memory of a 2018 lunch time shopping stop when Lisa was buying swimwear for their Hawaii trip. It was not a good memory and I made sure to clear it. I also remember better memories courtesy of OneDrive, including the one of Lisa in an empty penthouse apartment at Lindbrook that we were about to rent. Man, that was in 2009. 13 years ago. Happier times. Anyway, that's just a distraction today since I really did need to focus on that urology appointment. I have to say I got in and out of there fairly quickly. I sort of already knew they needed to run some tests. And so, they got a urine sample, they got a blood sample for a PSA test for my prostate, which was enlarged. I knew that though since the last time it got tested 8 years ago, it was already enlarged then. Not that the prostate had anything to do with the bloody urine, but I was seeing a urologist after all. He noted that all my tests were old and I was due. They did an ultrasound on my bladder and noted that at least I was emptying it just fine. I still needed to schedule a CT scan to see what's going on near the kidney, and then a procedure to see what's going in near the bladder. A good thing I don't have any more symptoms then huh? So no conclusions today still but hey, I'm not peeing blood anymore aren't I? 
When I left my appointment I noticed Johnnie's bag in the back seat. Did that kid forget his bag? Well of course he did! Damn. So much for hanging around Marina del Rey and getting my lunch there. I had to rush right to Mar Vista Elementary to drop off Johnnie's bag instead. Oh well, I had food at home anyway. And so I made myself that ground beef and spinach dish I like so much. And had myself a home-cooked lunch. Pretty darn good too. And then watched an episode of that new series on Fox called the ENDGAME. And then I finally tried to get some work done. I mean I had all this follow-up I had to do. Appointments to make <now I know what Lisa must have to deal with with HER issues>. Other stuff too. I had to contact the Spanish school for Johnnie's lessons. Lisa and I agreed to move forward with those. And then I had to clean up my emails of course. I noted that 3 people on my team are seeing a doctor today, including myself. Larry too. And Noriel. Man we better all just hang in there and try to stay as healthy as possible huh?! And of course I still had to do my steps. I do that now simply to prove to myself that I am just fine. I ended up doing 16,000+ steps yesterday. What person dealing with an ailment does that? I also kept to my image cycling regimen too as I realize that perhaps I need to do them more to keep them in my headspace other-than-consciously. And then before I knew it, it was already time to pick up Johnnie at school. I actually anticipated that he would ask for chicken noodle penne tonight. I thought that because Lisa got him Panda Express last night. And so he is trying to get back to routine. Me too. Which meant I had to make a stop at El Pollo Loco to pick up MY dinner. I let Johnnie watch Dragon Rescue Riders all night after dinner. I needed to reflect on today's doctor appointment. Of course I am trying to focus on my energetic body too. But I do realize that parts of my physical body are out of balance and I do need to address those and get them back in balance. That would be my top priority today. Not just my urinary system, but my prostate, and also my cardio system. I noted that my blood pressure was measured at around 150+ over 110 today. That is NOT good. Work to do. Tonight is still cookie night though and Johnnie and I enjoyed tonight's batch (see pic), I know I'm going to need to make some dietary changes. I hope these chocolate chip cookies are not part of the casualty list :) Still, not really bad news today on the medical front and I still got to tuck Johnnie in after brushing his teeth, after he has put in his request with "the Universe and God", got to kiss him good night and told him I love him. "I love you too Dad" he replied. Best feeling ever.

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