Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Tech Council Meeting Day

So I started the day with a meditation that today's meetings will be a breeze. The first one was the Communications Meeting and I wasn't even on the agenda for that one, until I reminded Lupe at the beginning of the meeting. I was fully prepared to share all my stats I was waiting on the Tech Council Meeting later on to show. And as it was, the meeting itself got done in less than an hour. It was supposed to go from 8:30 to 10 AM. So much so I had to move the Data Team meeting to later than usual in order to accomodate for it. No need now. I think a lot of us are in the middle of meeting fatigue actually. It feels like we're having a Town Hall more than just once every 3 months. And I feel like I am re-hashing stuff from a month ago. Still, it was an eezy-peezy meeting and much more than I had already asked for. Now to gear up for Tech Council Meeting. Even the Data Team Meeting did not take that long. Shilpa as of a day ago was asking for help because she was working on 4 reports. By the end of the day, 3 of the 4 were done, either because she got help from James, or simply because I was able to point her to the data. I remind myself that even while I was in the middle of the waiting room yesterday, I was actually able to direct her and got one of those data projects finished. We're all good. So finally I got to the Tech Council Meeting which I had moved to 2 PM due to popular demand. AND I expanded it to an hour-and-a half too. I didn't mind so long as I had enough to eat for lunch LOL. Today it was some fried catfish, with me doing the frying and I ate it with cucumber and tomato salad. It turned out to be pretty good in fact, and filled me up just fine. As far as the meeting itself, I did not have enough material for an hour-and-a-half. That's because we always end up talking about something else that would take as much as 20 minutes or so to discuss. BUT NOT TODAY!! We had no such topics! Nobody asked too many questions. And when I looked up at the end of the meeting, it only took 45 minutes! A full 45 minutes earlier than scheduled. Wow. And it was EEZY-PEEZY as it got. THANK YOU God!
With that meeting concluded, I immediately headed outside and felt the warm breeze as if it were a day  with the Santa Ana winds. Warm and breezy. I am loving it. I caught up on my steps and enjoyed the warm-ish afternoon. Felt more like late spring or early summer. And when I got home, I got on the HEALY device once and for all. I did 3 programs and yes I can definitely feel a surge of low current. I felt it in my arms and some muscles in my legs twitched. So there was activity to be sure. I put on the RELEASE program. ANd also the kidney and the prostate program. We shall see what happens. What I do know, is that I felt tired afterwards. As in I felt like my body was de-toxing something and worked hard to do it. I had enough gas left to pick up Johnnie and of course today was Spanish class day. And so I had one more Zoom picture to put up there. He did pretty good today. They worked on colors. And when he got done, I had caulifornia crust pizza ready for dinner for him. My side had pineapple, spinach, and almond cheese substitute. When I bit in one of his leftover pieces, I suddenly noticed the difference. Cheese is cheese. But hey, I think I can say that I am already feeling better from the diet change. I had Johnnie go to bed earlier than 9 PM today. That's because he was still sleepy when I got him up at 6:45 this morning. He is still getting used to the time change I think. Tonight though I was tired myself, still I believe from the Healy device. And so I myself got to bed by 9 PM. It was pretty much an eezy-peezy kind of day though. Exactly as I had visualized and thought about. And all was good.

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