Friday, March 25, 2022

A Working Friday

So today is Friday and after the usual get-up-early-to-get a day pass for Lisa for Johnnie and to lock up my tee time for next Sunday, I got ready to head to LIsa's. This morning she is the mystery reader for Johnnie's class and I couldn't be any more tickled.  I'm over there simply to support her. Or more likely to make sure she has no technology issues while she tries to get on Zoom. I grabbed my now usual juice breakfast from Whole Foods and went over there to enjoy the show. As it was she did very very well. She engaged the class and even asked questions to a couple of students that she knew. Or at least the 2 students she knew well. That would be Johnnie and Brooklyn. The whole thing took less than 10 minutes and I'm sure Johnnie was proud of his mommy as I was proud of my ex-wife LOL. I had to stick around Lisa's house because I also had to do a 9:30 meeting this morning to meet with the folks doing the IT Audit. Yep, my area is getting audited. I could feel myself being crusty in the beginning with the questioning, not really prepared emotionally to be asked detail questions about our environment by someone who knew IT, let alone someone who's job it was to pick it apart or to find holes. I"m sure there are holes. I mean I've run a skeleton IT crew for almost 4 years now when Justin left. The fact that I am able to keep everything running and fairly securely at that I will give myself a pat on the back for. I mean even if they did find something, the auditors were already saying I was way WAY outgunned as it stands. And that's ok. It IS the truth. But still just this week, I keep getting that IT is over budget. What to do... Anyway I finished my meeting at Lisa's house and then I stuck around to do at least my load of laundry. And I took a shower too. And so by the time I got back to my apartment, it was still before noon and the laundry i did I threw in the dryer. And then I got my lunch in before I did yet another meeting. This one was the EHR Team Meeting. I couldn't meet with them yesterday so we moved it to today. And it did last for more than an hour. So yes I've already worked way more today than I normally do on a Friday LOL.
And since I was already in work mode, I kept working through the afternoon until it was time to pick up Johnnie. I got an early start on the time cards and the data exports for the HRSA report due Tuesday. I always want to get that completely done by Monday so I don't have to deal with it past that.  I actually did feel good that I got a lot of work done today. So much so I didn't focus on my step count and realized I was barely at 3000 by 4 PM. I walked the equivalent of a mile inside my apartment to get to 5000 at least before i went to get Johnnie, knowing full well that when I do get him and get him settled, I won't be able to do my neighborhood walk anymore, though really nothing is stopping me from doing that after I drop Johnnie off.  Anyway today I made him some penne pasta and heated up chicken teriyaki so that's a plus that I didn't have to buy anything. And for me, I made the other half of the Boboli cauliflower pizza with pineapple and Beyond meatballs. It filled me up just fine. And then Johnnie and I spent the rest of the evening just goofing off really. I mean it IS Friday night. I let him watch whatever he wanted for as long as he wanted knowing full well this was the last TV he was going to get for the rest of the weekend including Monday. Today there would be no early call from Lisa. And  I was not expecting one simply because she went in to work later than usual this morning as it was. She was complaining about having to pay more for what is now full foundation work on her house AND she was about to drop $75K on her grand piano. She did say she had the money and I knew she did. Because these are simply choices and priorities, not truly necessities. I didn't think the foundation was going to totally crack even 4 years ago when I paid for the fix. I paid attention to her complaints though because I knew it had something to do with me somehow. Some lesson, some intuition I needed to pay attention to. Whatever it was she was still complaining about it tonight when she finally came home. I took Johnnie back to her house around 8:30, got him started on his shower by 8:45. That's when she came home. I had no complaints. I got a full 3 hours with my son. And then I went home and wound down myself. By tonight I had already gotten used to getting a PURE session in on the Healy device before going to bed.  And then I checked my blood pressure afterwards. LO and BEHOLD it came in at 110/74. That was while doing nothing different or special, not moving my arm higher to sort of "cheat" a little bit. This was the lowest I had recorded in quite some time. Many years I'd say. Boy that image cycling surely works doesn't it. More proof that it does. Thank you Universe. Thank you GOD. It was a really really good day.

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