Saturday, March 26, 2022

Balance on A Saturday

So I was supposed to go to Lisa's this morning so I could watch Johnnie while she went to a Pilates class. I was happy to do that if only to spend what time I could with him this weekend. I just want to practice creating a great hour with him to anchor the weekend with. No planning, no nothing, let's see if I can come up with MAGIC. When I got there, mom and son had barely gotten out of bed. No problem there, Lisa worked until late last night. She has of course earned sleeping in for as late as possible this morning. And so now I get to make Johnnie HIS breakfast this morning. Of course I had already gotten my juice from Whole Foods by this time so I'm all good.  I was also thinking that while I had a great B/P reading last night, I also made it through the night without getting up once and going to the bathroom. Hmm. Fancy that. That hasn't happened in a really long time too. Pretty cool that I am getting in balance physically. And SO, while Lisa headed off to her Pilates class, I made Johnnie his sourdough bread breakfast. Funny how he eats way differently when he's at this house than when he is at mine. I gave him a glass of milk to top that off and fill him up. Look at the pic of him in the foyer eating his breakfast.  Pretty cool shot I thought. And then when he got done for breakfast, I let him watch a couple of episodes of Dragon Rescue Riders. Give him a treat for his Saturday with his mom. And then of course we were simply goofing off and horseplaying. He's not so easy to ward off or fend off anymore since he is getting bigger. And I'm sure he has fun throwing his body around with abandon when trying to take something from me that I'm keeping away from him. When Lisa got back from Pilates exactly 45 minutes later, we were playing around that way. She made a comment about breakfast and I sit there just chuckling inwardly about what would make her think we would make her breakfast while she was out. It's that old, you have to think of me program I think. And that's fine. I happily got up and made her sourdough toast too. And Johnnie joined in and made her coffee. And so in the end, Lisa got her dream morning. She sat in the couch relaxed with breakfast while Johnnie and I were playing our animal word game in the dining room. Even Lisa commented that this was her ideal morning. And then Lisa asked me to come along and walk Claire to her dog groomers a couple of blocks down the road. I was happy to do that of course. Wby not get my steps in right now? And so it was that by the time we got back, we actually added a nice family walk in too, even as Lisa had to pick up Claire's poop with grass because she forgot to bring a poop bag. By the time I drove home, I was thinking to myself: How about that... I got more than just a Magic Hour with Johnnie, I got a nice morning with Johnnie AND Lisa too. I will take that any time.
I made a detour at Whole Foods to pick up lunch. And that was probably the only not-so-good thing that happened today. I picked up some Beyond crumbles and also some veggie fettuccini that was made without flour. It was supposed to be ready to eat in 1 minute and 45 seconds. But I didn't pul the fettuccini together and I undercooked it. And then I overcooked the crumbles. And so my vegetarian fettuccini bolognese ended up being an I'm-just-glad-I-have-something to eat plate. It was terrible. And the fettucini alone cost me  $8. That's compared to $2 for the regular pasta. Boy, eating healthy sure is more expensive sometimes isn't it? I then decided to take a little nap for the afternoon. And what happened during this was probably one of the best hours of theta meditation I have ever done. I did some image cycling and I knew I was doing it. But my Fitbit registered that I had taken an hour-an-and-half nap. That was very cool to do. And afterwards I felt very much refreshed! So much so I decided to walk to Trader Joe's to do grocery shopping. Not just that though, that would also help me finish my steps for the day. And so by the time I got back I felt that I already had had a pretty nice and balanced Saturday. And I concluded it with watching Power of the Dog, of the films nominated for the Oscars happening tomorrow night. It had at least a dozen nominations. You figured it would be this awesome movie. It was a movie about a cowboy in the 1920s who was pretty tough and pretty much of an asshole with his brother's wife and son. I did NOT see the significance of this story. Was it a feel good story? Nope. Did it have a redeeming lesson? Nope, other than you better not come in contact with anthrax. There were some hints about sexuality as in Brokeback Mountain. A whole bunch of men stuck in one place for a very long time can lead to stuff I suppose. Was the story relatable? Nope. What do I care about an asshole cowboy in the 1920s? Was it well-acted? Yes. Benedict Cumberbatch is an excellent actor.  But I  would not see this movie just to see this particular acting performance. After all, I'm already used to seeing him as Dr. Strange. The bottom line is I don't know why it got all these Oscar nominations. We; will have to see what/if it wins anything tomorrow night. In the meantime, I went to bed thinking I had a pretty nice Saturday didn't I?

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