Friday, March 18, 2022

Tank Friday

For the fourth straight Friday, I packed my laundry stuff and towels and just as soon as Lisa dropped off Claire, we went right back to her house. And even though the road was blocked right in front of her house because LA DWP was doing some work, I chose not to think of that as something of a block to my plans this morning. The plan was simply to do laundry and to take a shower. I hadn't showered since Monday and I will admit, I was smelling a little gamey when I woke up this morning. So getting those 2 things done may be a lowering of a bar, but since it's Friday I didn't care. As it was I made some fresh-squeezed OJ for breakfast and was on my way. I got started so early that I was done with everything at Lisa's house by 10:30 AM as a matter of fact. A good thing too because the workers working on her front porch had already gotten there and were making a lot of noise that was scaring Claire. Of course she would find no respite going to my apartment. There's workers in the next apartment working on the wall mouldings and floors, making a lot of racket too. I noted that today was payday Friday and my checking account had swelled to over $40K and I still have more than a week before rent is due. In fact, when I put together my savings sitting in E*Trade, and another little sum in TD Ameritrade, both waiting to be put into action of course, my savings were already at $95K!! THAT is a significant number because even after rent this next month, my savings are already more than $91K!!! I have achieved one of those items in my image cycling exercise, which was to have $91K in savings! This is a significant deal because it is one more proof that THAT exercise absolutely works! I mean when I moved from Maplewood a little more than 3 1/2 years ago would I have thought I would be able to amass these savings? It is also significant because I have more than an entire year's worth of savings to bank on for living expenses in case something at QueensCare were to happen. I mean we had yet another one of those 'so-so will be leaving and her last day is today' surprise memos from work today. You just never know what might happen. But it is good to know for me that I am taken care of no matter what does. For at least a year anyway. And a year is a long time. NOW to extend that year to much much longer.
In the meantime, the other points of focus today was my eating and health patterns of course. Doing steps was fairly easy even though I sort of didn't get started until after lunch. For lunch I had a salmon salad, which I had to eat earlier than planned because I started to get hungry. I only had the OJ for breakfast and it clearly was not enough. The salmon worked out just fine though and by mid-afternoon, not only had I caught up with my steps, but I also got a session of Healy GOLD program done. As far as tangible results or feelings I could sense, I know I get really tired after these sessions and that I sleep easily after. Which is why I saved a couple for later on before I go to bed. I think it's simply because my body is de-toxing. I know a cold sore suddenly popped up. Not a major sore mind you, but a cold sore just the same. That is always a sign that my immune system is fighting something off, or getting rid of something. I'm pee-ing a lot too, though that may simply be because of all the juice I am ingesting. I know my pee is clear for sure.  Sometmes it's almost like I'm pee-ing water. Anyway I was in good shape by the time Johnnie pick-up time came around. I got him around 5 PM and then off we went to Panda Express Sawtelle. This time though I had a wrinkle in mind. We went to Nijiya Market first so I could pick up some salmon sashimi. And then I included a bowl with simply veggies in it. That would give me greens+salmon dinner. Pretty healthy enough I'd say. Look at the pic I posted of Johnnie cleaning up after himself after dinner. I do have to say that with the robot vacuum, that is a much simpler proposition than manual sweeping all the time. I kept him with me until 8:25. We hadn't heard from Lisa still and I figured I'd at least get him cleaned up and ready for bed. As it was she did call and we were already at her house. And I was already starting to give Johnnie his bath.  Of course she had to rant and rave about her day. Nothing new really. Staff simply not caring about being there, in this case her hygienists. I guess she doesn't have any tomorrow. Hey people are burning out. I think you have to bake that in as a business owner. This time I simply let her rave and express her anger and frustration. And when she stopped, I urged her to keep going. I did not accept her negative energy changing mine is all. And I wasn't condescending either. And so WE did not have an argument. In fact, she expressed her anger and she seemed to move on. She was even just fine when she got home in the middle of Johnnie's shower. I put on her quilt cover for her while SHE took a shower. And then I took off for home, finishing MY Healy energy treatments. Despite it all, it turned out to be a pretty nonchalantly good day. 

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