Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Johnnie Spanish song

Another Wednesday, another Town Hall. These things feel endless. And although I do think they have helped in terms of connecting to the employees and keeping them informed, I don't think THAT matters much. But good soldier that I am, I do my part and participate full out in this meeting that started at 8:30 this morning. I really didn't have anything new or different to present, at least not from the presentation I already did at the Town Halls last month. But then that is the case with all of the other speakers. We know each other's schtick by now, we can actually step in and present for the others LOL LOL. Anyway, even before the meeting I had already dropped off Johnnie at school. And I even posted a pic of me making his lunch for the day. That sort of became a big deal after Lisa sort of got called out by Lisa's teacher for not having enough nutritious stuff for him to eat on Monday. I'm sure Lisa put snacks in there. But in terms of anything substantial? I already knew Lisa hardly puts much. And so when Johnnie's teacher sat with his group for lunch, it was noticed. And Johnnie was urged to get some lunch from the school. And proceeded to tell us that he needs to have more nutritious stuff to eat. I think what I pack is ok. I try to make sure he has some fruit in there at least. This week, it's bananas. For a while there it was strawberries. Until I noticed he wasn't eating them. At least he eats the bananas. And the croissants I usually pack with them. God forbid I get called out for not giving him enough to eat! And so by the time I started the Town Hall this morning, early as it was, it wasn't even the work I was focused on this morning. Afterwards, I had 2 other meetings. But after the last one, which ended by 11 AM, I felt like I was done working for the day. I actually took a nap that lasted almost an hour. And then watched TV after that. A new series called the END GAME. This one was on regular TV but I watched the rerun on Hulu. And then I finished my steps until it was time to pick up Johnnie. Today I had to pick him up earlier than usual because I scheduled his 2nd trial Spanish class at 5 PM. I did not like the first teacher he worked with. And I was hoping he would at least do better with a different one. And by doing better, I simply mean that he learns a few more words and phrases. I figure if he does that every lesson, he will build at least a hundred words after a couple of months or so. And he could at least have some conversational ability. As it turned out, he connected MUCH MUCH better with this different teacher. The other one started with numbers and days of the week. This one at least engaged him, asking him about his favorite things, and things he likes to do. And she played songs for him to sing along. THAT was what I posted, Johnnie learning with a simple song. And with Fuzzy with him he was very much at ease and actually looked like he was having fun. It definitely worked out much much better. I even picked up a new word today myself. Habriento. Means hungry. And speaking of which, for dinner I made his favorite chicken noodle broth with penne. And I made me a flatbread pizza with sausage and pineapple. Picked it up from Ralphs at lunch. And then he watched his latest show that has captured his attention: the Dragon Rescue Riders. I don't pretend to guess what takes his attention anymore. It is no longer dinosaurs and Octonauts. But dragons are ok I suppose. For me, I was satisfied that I had made it to mid-week and that the rest of the week won't be all that hard.  I was also satisfied that I kept up the visualization and image cycling and meditation for the day. And I actually felt really good about that one.

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