Saturday, March 12, 2022

Getting Back To Balance

I was fully aware that I did practically nothing yesterday. I also reminded myself though that I had posted numbers which were pretty good. More than a couple of them actually.  My blood pressure came in at 131/85. Definitely higher than normal, but also definitely also in the range of high but manageable. It is in the range where I am not worried. Other numbers: I looked up my urine lab results. Nothing out of the ordinary there either. Even the one marker that was a tick higher than the normal range was already lower than it had been 5 years ago. And finally one number was $2090. That would be the refund from my state income tax return. YES. Now I can go get that sleeper sofa in earnest. Actually when I looked at my bank account this morning, the checking account was over $38K. That means combined with my investment accounts, I already have $91K in savings. Isn't THAT one of the images that I'm cycling?!  This morning, for the first time in months, Lisa didn't need me to watch over Johnnie and so I don't get to see him this weekend. I told myself it was ok. After all, last week I saw him for 6 out of the 7 days and I'm pretty sure I had spent a lot more time with him than Lisa did. It's ok for her to catch up too, this way she doesn't feel like she's a bad mom. Although I was not expecting that she would miss the Bailey Olivera birthday party and so Johnnie does not get to see Brooklyn today either. Aww. But I am in no place to say anything. It IS her turn. Actually this morning, I slept in until almost 8 AM. A necessity since I stayed up again until almost 1 AM last night. By the time I had gotten done with morning meditation routine, done with my inner energy work, even got done with some QueensCare work <hey it's HRSA data week next week so I might as well get started downloading all the data I need to download>, it was already past 11 AM.  Normally when I'm with Johnnie he's watching something anyway or we're out and about shopping for something. Today I walked to Whole Foods and stocked up on vegetarian stuff, including a couple of bean pupusas that I am having for lunch. Radically different to be sure, having tomato basil soup and a couple of those pupusas. That would be so out of my thought radar just a week ago. I actually did enjoy the walk over. It was a nice day and a healthy breeze was blowing the palm trees around. The sound they made going back and forth is as soothing as any to me, reminding me of those 2 palm trees in front of the Maplewood house. It provided me with a stop-and-smell-the-roses moment.  
I was able to take a quick nap in the afternoon. Not a nap really. I ran into this video on Yoga Nidra, which is really a version of a buzzword: Non-sleep-deep-rest. In all actuality, it is an iteration of lowering your brainwaves to alpha and theta and I've been doing that for a while. Still I managed to do a 15 minute session which is probably the equivalent of a power nap thought my Fitbit would not have picked it up because the duration was so short. Still, I had all afternoon to do what I wanted to do today and after getting a nice bump in my bank account yesterday, I thought I'd go ahead and pick up a new vacuum cleaner. My old one had the motor burn out and really i needed to clean the apartment anyway. And so off I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and picked up one of those Robot vacuum thingy-s. i couldn't have picked up a Roomba couldn't I? Nor did I bring my 20% off coupon which is used for exactly THIS type of purchase. Something over $200. I actually plunked down $300 for this thing and boy it better work right? My previous $75 was adequate already after all. Since it was already night time, I decided to postpone a full cleaning until tomorrow. Besides I was focusing on dinner. What do I eat? Turned out, I boiled a couple of eggs for a protein source. But then I already had one of those $5 cooked shrimp baskets from Ralphs, which I put over salad <added the eggs and tomatoes too>. And then since I picked up another $5 piece of salmon from Trader Joe's too, I ended up having a pretty filling meal tonight. With lots of protein. As it were, I did give the Shark Robot Vacuum a trial run. It did scurry around the apartment but I wasn't sure it picked up all the dirt. Since I had gotten started with that activity anyway, I went ahead and swept up parts of the living room. And put away all JOhnnie's toys neatly. And also neated up the bookcase. Can't get started like that and leave it alone without actually cleaning up stuff.  I am definitely no Lisa when it comes to cleaning up the house. But I'm not a slob either. And so I went to bed tonight feeling good about the apartment being a little bit cleaner, and feeling good that I kept up vegan eating for today. That's how it's going to have to be. Work it out day by day.  We'll see how it affects my body in the next week or so. So far so good and I actually didn't feel hungry or had sugar cravings or anything today. Let's see how long I keep this up...

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