Monday, March 7, 2022

What Would A Perfect Monday Look like?

So here we are less than 24 hours after the incident with blood in my urine from the golf course yesterday and of course I have to try all modalities available in order to diagnose and cure and heal. What I do know is that something is out of whack and out of balance. And I need to get back to balance in order to start the healing. Of course I have to see a doctor about this even though I am hugely reluctant to let Western medicine simply treat the diagnosis rather than the condition. Still wouldn't hurt to see what technology sees. I left a message for Dr Deutsch last night and he responded immediately this morning. By mid-morning I had an appointment with a Cedars-Sinai urologist tomorrow. Pretty sure they are going to do tests. A handful of them. Gee I'm looking forward to that... <sarcasm sarcasm>. In the meantime, no blood in the urine from last night, nothing from this morning and so whatever it was, it is definitely not an emergency. And don't think I was not deeply relieved that that was the case. However, since I have been doing a lot of slowing down my thoughts and working through releasing negative patterns, letting go of possible trapped negative emotions, I have become aware that the dominating emotion in this case is FEAR. I'm afraid of being sick or getting sick. I'm afraid of dying. So that for sure I had to work to release and let go. I DO KNOW that when I was doing meditation this morning I really did feel connected to my Higher Self. The Superconscious such as it were. And that alone helped me to be not so afraid. I became aware of feelings of GUILT and how I needed to forgive. MYSELF! I needed to forgive myself. Which is basically why I was afraid of dying in the first place. In terms of working on myself, I also became aware that I NEEDED TO CHANGE COURSE, to not just keep doing what I've been doing. To stop procrastinating.  And perhaps, that is what my Higher Self is trying to tell me the most.  "Do you really want the things you claim you want", it seemed to ask me. If so, you have to do different things. You have to make adjustments. No different than making shots on the golf course. And with that I felt like I got a lot of work in already before I even ventured outside for my Monday morning walk. Yep, I did my Monday morning walk. Got to 5000 steps and 38 active minutes before 9 AM. And no, no blood in the urine. And so excercise could not be the cause of all that.
This being a Monday I asked those questions I put in the picture above. What would a perfect Monday be like? What would it feel like? To have one or a couple of a few things go solidly my way I'd say. To have no more bleeding when I urinate was an EXCELLENT start. To do my meditation and then follow through with my steps regimen and to have a nice shower and a nice breakfast right after, even before 9:30 AM already made it a great morning. I then got to work on a backlog of over 450 emails and basically spent the morning reading them and catching up. That would be the theme of my work day today I guess: CATCHING UP. I blasted through all those emails only stopping to head out and get myself a nice chicken bowl from El Pollo Loco. I decided I'd eat my leftover Thai food tonight while waiting to pick up Johnnie. Enjoying my lunch outside enjoying the sun and the water fountain next to me has to be one of the plays of the day right? As was getting lots of time doing IMAGE cycling in the afternoon. I even updated my pictures in my slide deck. And so a very productive day kept getting productive. And it was like the Universe said "hey, keep going", as Lisa called me to let me know she had picked up Johnnie and took him to her office. They are having Panda Express tonight. THAT was perfectly fine. It's her turn. I would end up telling her about my bleeding episode but not until way later.  By 5 PM I was already almost done with 15,000 steps and I felt just fine. And while I waited for Lisa to call about picking up Johnnie or perhaps dropping him off, somehow I got moved to log into Turbo Tax and look at my taxes. Why not get it all done? I have all the info. And so for about an hour I worked on my taxes and wouldn't you know I did manage to get it all done, both state and federal! That IS a big deal! As was getting a refund of $4700!!! YAY!!! Now I can most definitely go buy the new sofa bed for Johnnie in the living room. I have it in my image cycling deck don't I?! Lisa dropped off Johnnie and Claire around 8:30 PM. Just enough time to for Johnnie to see an episode of Dragon Rescue Riders, get his milk and for me to get him to bed. It would be an early night for me too. I need the rest I think. But I asked this morning what a perfect Monday would look like? Today was pretty darn close. Pretty darn close to perfect.

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