Monday, March 21, 2022

Started As a Great Monday But...

Today started as a great Monday. When I got up I realized that I had gotten up once in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. But that was it. And I did my thing easily. And then I looked at my Fitbit. My resting heart rate was at 67! That was the lowest it has been in more than a year! The new eating patterns are definitely working. So that is excellent! When I got up this morning, I walked right to Whole Foods. Got my celery/apple juice and then circled back all the way home. I had gotten 5000 steps and 54 active minutes doing just that and it wasn't even 8:45 yet. Even better was that I actually felt good. Energized even with the walk. And I enjoyed the first Monday in Spring too. There's talk that Daylight Savings might become permanent. I don't mind actually.  I don't like it when it's dark when I pick up Johnnie. And then I had plenty of time to do some meditation and centering execises before my first meeting of the day at 10 PM. I focused on having another eezy-peezy week, noting that I have to be at a Leadership Event on Wednesday downtown and at East LA the following day for a strategy meeting. Busy but not busy. Kind of like the 10 AM meeting. It was supposed to be for the HRSA Audit prep. And yes I needed to attend but then it got done in 45 minutes and it took more than 45 minutes afterwards for a sidebar conversation on the sliding fee stuff the Ops folks are trying to solve. All I can do is run reporting if/when they need it. But I stuck with the meeting until I couldn't anymore. Then I made up some excuse at 11:30. I was hungry anyway. I heated up some leftover daal and put some garbanzo beans in it. That did tide me over. And then I fried up the rest of the mahi mahi and made a cucumber salad. THAT's a lunch. That's one thing about this new eating pattern. I may feel better and healthier and are already reaping benefits in just a couple of weeks. But boy I sure am hungry all the time. And it's not like I'm eating less either. For example, I had the daal but then followed it up with a salad with a lot of shrimp. AND washed it down with fresh-squeezed pineapple juice. So no, I'm not exactly starving either.  Just that with a lot of walking - remember Mondays are my 15,000 steps days - I need the energy boost too. And then for dinner I tried making spaghetti. Yes, spaghetti and meatballs. Meatballs made of BEYOND and spaghetti made of cauliflour. Look at the pic. It does not exactly look inviting does it? Still it wasn't bad. OK, the meatballs actually were not bad at all. The spaghetti though? THAT is going to take a lot to get used to.
Still, it looked like a smooth afternoon to be followed by the Johnnie pick-up and a routine evening. Except that it didn't turn out that way. First i get a call from Lisa saying her parents were actually over visiting. And if I could pick up Johnnie later than usual. I didn't mind that so much. And then an email from Starlette about HIE data somehow irritated me. Followed by an email, another data request from Dr Liao that irritated me even further. And so it was that my patience got tested. And I did not do well. I brooded over the Starlette request thinking she doesn't know what the -f- she's doing. Same with Dr Liao. These guys just make requests without understanding the process. I'm going to have to unpack all that of course. And I am more impatient with the wasted time more than anything. The problem was, now I am really in an impatient mood. And now I can sense myself getting annoyed that i hadn't heard from Lisa by 8 PM. It's like she just screwed up my routine. In my irritated mood, I went to the soccer field where she asked me to pick up Claire and Johnnie. I know I was short. I did not feel like socializing. But at least I was polite. And Johnnie didn't know any better. He had all of 20 minutes before his bedtime. And in that time, I made banana bread. Except that THAT too suffered from my impatience. It crumbled because I didn't give it time to cool off. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. I did not let my day end well.  Lesson to learn.

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